Thank you!
I have not yet got into a point of working through black-and-white thinking, so I have not searched subreddits of the subject. But there exists an universal psychological tool for changing thought patterns, which is also used in cognitive-behavioral therapy. Technique is called reframing.
Become more conscious of your use of words when you speak or write words "always" and "never." Correct yourself in your mind and your writing with more realistic statement. Words actually affect us more than we think of, and it can transform the whole meaning of situation by stating it differently.
This is one form of psychological reframing, which is basically rewiring your brain by choosing to see the world in a way that serves you better than how you have learnt to see the world by your upbringing. When reframing is done in constant basis, the new chosen thought becomes eventually more dominating than the past thought and can become automatic reaction even at the face of conflict and distress. Reframing not only changes the psychological map of your mind, but actually changes the brain at the physical level as well.
With all psychobabble aside, it's very simple to learn. This blog explains the concept in a very sound way.
I noticed that you seem to have narcissistic mother and enabler father in that box next to your username. There actually exists a book that is specific with this subject, called "Going Mad to Stay Sane (the devouring mother and distant father) by Andy White. I don't know that are you dealing with self-destructive tendencies or not (making a leap of faith here) but apparently it is very common in the upbringing with the dynamic of nmother and efather. You may be interested of checking it out. It is sold out at the moment in many sites, but one can order new reprint of the book from author's site for about 20$ if I remember right. Amazon most probably has it as well, but some sell it at outrageous prices.