Not sure if this is the place to ask this, but here goes. I have two nice leather jackets in a closet that is also used to store some firearms in. It's been getting fairly cold and a little humid in the room/closet, so I decided to purchase a goldenrod dehumidifier to mitigate any rust that might occur. To my knowledge, the goldenrod heats up the ambient air slightly, decreasing the humidity in the area (ideally a safe, but I'm working with what I have).
Will this environment be bad for the leather coats? They can always be moved to another closet, but will again be exposed to the cold and somewhat higher than I'd like humidity. Thanks all!
Oh, one more thing. If you're storing them in a closet, gun safe, or other small space; get a Golden Rod. They're basically a heater that warms up the small space they're in by several degrees above the dew point, which would prevent any moisture in the air from ever condensing on your firearms.