I bought this less than a year ago for $100, new. That one on the link is not mine, that is a way earlier model. This is the one I have Link and it's going for more than $130
This is what my girlfriend got me two years ago for christmas, quite a bit cheaper than the hero 4 but honestly still takes great looking video. Only difference is you cant take the camera out of the case, can't change the battery, and has less filming options, but it will still do 720p 60fps or 1080p 30fps and take pictures, which is really all I needed.
This is what I'm using. I'm not looking to spend too much since I'm going to be using in pretty rugged conditions (8 weeks in remote Bolivia) so I think I'd rather run with the quality then upgrade.
The case doesn't seem like it's the kind that comes off but I'll see what I can do without breaking it.
The $120 model takes exceptional video and is more than enough for 90% of what people use them for.
I second the go pro idea. Even the cheap one takes great looking video, and is waterproof. $130 on Amazon
The most valuable things I have from my travels are my photos, and hawaii will take full advantage of that go pro durability.
You can get the waterproof case for under $10 on that same site and have them shipped togetherand an appropriate SD card for about $10-$20 from your local store. You could also get a GoPro Hero on Amazon for about $120 which would get to you faster, and come with the accessories. It's not quite as good in terms of video options, but GoPro's are still quality.
I ended up with the cheapest, most basic GoPro Hero. It can only do 720p at 60fps, or 1080p at 30, but that's honestly fine with me (I always use the former.)
The only real downside is that it doesn't have a screen. It hasn't been an issue because I can just use my phone to play the videos.
GoPro makes a HERO model for $130:
I have it and it works really well. It lacks some of the features of the more expensive models, but it records at 720p@60fps just fine.
The GoPro Hero only costs $129.99, not $3-£400, but still that Macgyver toothbrush handle is pretty ridiculous . http://www.amazon.com/GoPro-CHDHA-301-HERO/dp/B00NIYNUXO/ref=sr_1_2?s=photo&ie=UTF8&qid=1436982847&sr=1-2&keywords=gopro+hero
It's the gopro hero model. I put a 32 gb micro sd card in there and it gives me about 4 hours of record time. The battery last pretty long so far. Can record 2 games (40 min games) on a full charge and barely use half of it charge.
They start at $129. I'm willing to bet anyone reading this right now is using something that costs more than that.
I currently use my S6 for all the vlogs I record since that's the only really decent camera I have. It's funny you asked this question because I'm looking for another camera around this price point.
If you bump your budget up like $10 you could get into decent cameras to start off.
The GoPro hero retails at $129.99 on Amazon, but you could maybe find it cheaper used on eBay or something. It'll shoot 1080 at 30fps and 60fps at 720. Only thing is that it doesn't have a lcd screen so you won't be able to preview any footage. This was my first choice since I was looking for an action cam. The wifi one is like $199 and will allow you to preview footage on your phone, but for that price you could get something else like the GoPro session that shoots 4k and is smaller.
The Nikon CoolPix L340 is like $130-ish on Amazon (probably cheaper somewhere else) . It has a fixed lense and shoot only 720p video. I'm assuming probably just 30fps.
There are also some Samsung point and shoots around this price and lower, but the out of the box sound quality is probably terrible. I'd go with with either the GoPro or the CoolPix to start. You could also jump up into the $199 range which starts to offer very good quality. OR....you could also buy one of those handy cams too lol. I have one and it shoots decent video (1080/720 w/ 24-60 fps), but I feel stupid using it outside the house. Hope this helps a little bit! Good luck in your vlogging ☺.
Is it the same Hero from Amazon for $95? https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-CHDHA-301-HERO/dp/B00NIYNUXO
This is a 2014 HERO, base model. The release came with 3 different specs- Hero, Hero+, and Hero+ LCD, and this is the base-level spec of that.
Here's the amazon listing for the same item.
You can find the manuals on GoPro's website.
It's this one: https://www.amazon.com/GoPro-CHDHA-301-HERO/dp/B00NIYNUXO
Looks the original GoPro Hero.
Simply titled 'Gopro Hero'. Lowest priced one there is. Can't find it on the GoPro site so perhaps it's out of production.
I believe it is the original. Here is the amazon link
All the ones I post are from the GoPro Hero: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NIYNUXO/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1
So i'm looking @ getting a gopro for my helmet when i go riding my motorcycle & i was wondering what the biggest difference i wound seen between Gopro hero & the Gopro hero4 silver as of right now i just want it incase anything were to happen while riding. But idk later down the road if my friends wanted to see them i would edit them into a video like some motovlogers do i guess
GoPros are cheap dude. GoPro HERO https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NIYNUXO/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_YF.axb5ANSKXH
suction cup mounts have gotten way better. this won't kill your budget then
just so you're aware, a brand new GoPro Hero is $119 on Amazon... http://www.amazon.com/GoPro-CHDHA-301-HERO/dp/B00NIYNUXO/ref=sr_1_5?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1447268896&sr=1-5&keywords=go+pro+camera+1
If you're just looking for something to get some video with then go with the GoPro Hero, it's only $130 and it'll still shoot in 720p at 60 fps or 1080 at 30 fps. You definitely get what you pay for but if you just want something to record your games, this will do the trick.
Link : http://www.amazon.com/GoPro-CHDHA-301-HERO/dp/B00NIYNUXO
This is a video I made from quite a while ago with a friend wearing my Black Hero4 but you could pretty much get the same quality at 720 with the GoPro Hero.
Yep. I don't know your use case but if you're not going to need 120/240 fps video, you can consider buying a Hero. It's for 13K.
They arent too bad at $130 for the base model.
depends on the model, som of them are only $130
this means you can build a 16 camera rig for like $2100
A Gopro is a pretty good investment as it's not so restricting as a dash cam meaning you can use it as a action camera as well. They do an affordable ($200 instead of $500)
Hero this one
i honestly dont know much about gopros either, but here is the same camera on amazon:
In my opinion you should buy the GoPro Hero for $129.99, it's the entry level camera by GoPro. You will be able to record everything you want in a good quality. Buy another pair of batteries and you are good to go.
The best extra battery you can buy is the Wasabi Power Battery. Check this out:
Last thing you have to buy is micro SD memory card. Take a look at the two SD cards I mentioned below and choose the which one to buy. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00M55BS8G/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00M55BS8G&linkCode=as2&tag=pb0d49-20&linkId=LWF54IKET3OUMCWN