First post around here. This is an image of the moon from earlier tonight.
Zhumell Z8 on stock dobsonian mount
Canon T7i in prime focus
1/60 sec exposure, ISO 100
None, just a jpeg straight out of the camera.
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.
I was having major issues achieving prime focus. I went to Home Depot last night and bought longer screws for the mirror cell. I managed to raise the mirror about 1" which just barely gave me enough room to focus.
I'm using a direct Canon EF to 2" barrel adapter from Amazon with an optically clear filter(adapter and filter. The adapter helps maintain a low profile.
I plan on eventually getting a GSO barlow to be able to do some tighter planetary imaging. This may also allow me to lower the mirror cell back to a more comfortable location for visual observing, as it's a bit difficult right now.
Hopefully I covered all the needed details. I'll be happy to add more if not.