Hello :-)
What telescope do you have?
What do you want to take images of?
You can attach any camera with a digiscoping adapter / camera holder. Some attach to the telescope/focuser, some clamp to the eyepiece. For DSLR or system cameras, you can attach the camera without lens to the focuser directly, which removes some adjustment and aberration issues.
As the B500 is a rather heavy camera (unlike a phone or cheap compact camera) most cheap plastic holders may not be too well suited. The additional weight may cause balance and stability/vibration issues. A bridge-camera or similar is a bit problematic in this regard.
The results with universal holders like this vary.
I've found an adapter to attach filters and other lenses, but this would still need a matching ad-on to attach it to the focuser or a T-thread adapter/barlow.
You may try an astrophotography or a digiscoping forum.
You could also make a barn-door tracker, even without a telescope, a lot is possible.
Clear skies!