so at f/5 with a Barlow would push to f/10 or double the 650mm focal to 1300mm, or both? i'm so not good at the math on this stuff.
if i'm getting roughly 10mm at 1300mm that's 130x but when i used that caclulator it was like 94.xx-ish iirc. if i could figure out hot to get it to around 50-60x i could get a full disc in my area for certain.
i ordered these which i am winging will help. usually with a 23mm Aspheric EP or 26mm Plossl EP i'm getting full discs but at distance, add a 2x Barlow and i'm nice and close but still a full disc as my reference picture in either this or another post (sorry if it's not this one) shows.
i'm super new to the camera thing, and i just kind of got the hang of the phone camera thing, but i'm a full throttle kinda guy with a lot of time on my hands and always a question i figure is just outside my intellectual quotient. hahaha
hence asking you fine people. :)