Hi all. I have a Canon T3i right now. I will also be getting an Orion ED80 shortly. Pretty new to Astrophotography, but I know that I will need a tring and a DSLR adapter for my scope, correct? Is anything else required to attach the DSLR to the focuser? Also, can anyone recommend a good tring+adapter. Would something cheap like this suffice, or should I get something nicer? Thanks!! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B013DID11A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=AHQ6VCR020F8X#Ask
Hi guys! I'm just looking at amazon for a dslr to barlow. How is this?
This will be my first attempt at putting dslr to a telescope. I have a standard 1 1/4 telescope and a Rebel XSI. I see that its from a canon ef to m42 and then m42 to 1 1/4. Would that still be alright? Or should I just man up and buy a canon to t and universal t to 1 1/4?
The previous poster stated a 2" T-adapter. What dictates the need for a 1.25" or 2" adapter?
That $20 one was the cheapest I could find, the others were $50-$90 or something. 1.25" ones are much cheaper.
Is [this Gotsky[(https://www.amazon.com/Gosky-Telescope-Adapter-T-mount-Cameras/dp/B013DID11A/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1474703452&sr=8-2&keywords=telescope+t+mount+canon) one better than the Fotasy one?
So I need to actually try the camera on the telescope before I'll know if I need a Barlow? How do I choose the right one? I did a little bit of research on what a Barlow is, and they seem to have a variety of lengths, but I couldn't find how to choose one for my setup.
Thanks for the help
It's very cost effective, just be sure to get one for his brand of DSLR (I used Canon as an example).
Extra tip : If he can't reach focus (happens with some reflectors) then he needs to use a barlow lens (mounts in the focuser before the adapter) and that will probably fix it, a barlow is part of almost all telescope sets so he should already have one
2x Barlow, a 3x is probably too much.
What are you looking to take pictures of? Generally a standard used DSLR will be the most versatile and cheapest in my opinion. Just need a T adapter like this for canon.