LOTO stands for "Lock out tag out". Generally these locks go on things that need to be temporarily locked down, like breaker boxes. The idea is that these locks, while lacking in physical security, prevent other people from turning breakers on and frying the electrician. Of course, this is only one application out of many.
These locks (Master 410), however, contain lots of security pins for no real reason. The appeal to us is that they're relatively inexpensive -sometimes as low as $6 when you're on Amazon at the right time, and they are useful for practicing picking 6 pin locks and locks with security pins.
Reviews from pickers are becoming more common. This listing for the Master 410 loto has reviews talking about using them as lock sport practice while others talk about using them for core swaps with other padlocks.
These are cheap and have all security pins. I got a 3 pack of the and have not picked one yet. (Granted Im still quite new and going slow).
I am a bit of a fan of the Master 410LOTO. Not too pricy, and the feedback on the spool pins is fun. Master Lock 410RED Lockout Tagout Safety Padlock with Key https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00192092C/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_MSSKAMCWPFM7QY5KFVWS
No. That is not the right one, but it is a variant. The lock you have linked is the master keyed version. You want this one:
Here it is on Amazon.
I bought one on Amazon last week. It has the same keyway as OP.