I have a manual reel mower, bought it 5 years ago. It does require a tiny bit of maintenance - I've sharpened the blades once and readjusted them once in the last few years.
In the summer I try to get out there every 4-5 days. My yard is a little bigger than yours and I'll typically do the front and back on different days, so it's like 20-30m and done.
Yes, stuff gets caught in it at times. I just keep an eye out for sticks in the grass and pick them up rather than mow over them. If I miss one I stop, back up an inch and the stick falls out. NBD.
Sorry for the delay. The grass is not that tall so whatever is tall enough will even out. Just a little trim.
My grass is primarily Tall Fescue with KBG & Rye mixed in. I think 80% is Tall Fescue.
If you have crab grass already growing in then Tenacity should work on that. As you know Prodiamine will prevent weeds from growing. I do two applications. I did one today and will do one in early-mid May when group temps should hit about 65 degrees.
Last year I had a lot of weeds so hoping to stop them early this year.
I bought the Great States Reel Mower at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00002N691/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I like it a lot. Its 5 blades and is relaxing. Gas mowers are so loud, heavy, and noisy. I recommend it. I leave it at the highest setting which is about 2 3/4 inches. I normally keep my grass around that or 3" during spring/fall and 4" in the summer.
I personally think the modern ones are better, because the technology has improved over time. I use this one. But I would recommend getting one of the 18" ones so that you don't have to make as many passes. My friend has this one and he really likes it. Just make sure that you keep the blades clean and oiled after you cut the lawn and they'll stay sharp for a really long time. Btw, reel mowers are best when your lawn is flat and smooth. If it's very lumpy, then you'll get really frustrated.