After reading your long ass thread aha- from my understanding gum arabic is a somewhat generic term and not a specific gum from a specific plant or whatnot. It's usually used for cooking, as a thickener from my understanding, while Greek Chios gum is a specific sap that comes from a specific tree in Greece. I think it's primarily found on one island, but I'm not sure about this part. This is what you want to chew but don't overdo it- start off chewing for 15-20 minutes or so and then buildup slowly over time or you may irritate, or even damage, your jaw. I've linked the kind that I've bought before and it seems to be very high quality, after they cut the tree to let sap out they put in in sand to prevent it from sticking to everything so you want to rinse the gum before chewing.
Chios or Falim.
Unsure but 100% mastic gum does have a lot of health benefits, including anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties. I've been taking it to help keep my mouth shut, although you don't keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth while doing so which is lame, but it strengthens the tongue a bit.
Again I've heard different results, some say it helps muscles or fat others say it helps the bottom teeth aline with the top teeth, I cannot be certain though.
But I would recommend it, being a mouth breather my teeth have gone through hell, lost 4 and have 2 wisdom teeth where my molars were.
And sometimes the gum hurts my fillings or fixed teeth so I take it easy and chew slowly, I have really fresh gum I ordered from amazon, so its still mostly soft, run it under warm water to rinse off the calcium carbonate dust and it softens so you don't have to worry about chewing a rock into a piece of hum, because they are definitely hard as a rock if its a cold day.
The calcium is safe, they use it in toothpaste and vitamin supplements.
But yeah, I think it helps, it at least keeps my teeth clean and saliva in there to help keep from getting dry mouth, and like I said tons of benefits.
Benefits here
You can buy it here and yeah its expensive than regular chewing gums.
I like chewing it better Greece, Greek Chios (Xios) Mastic...
Greece, Greek Chios (Xios) Mastic...
It actually prevents cavities and cleans your teeth, this is the one I get Greece, Greek Chios (Xios) Mastic...
There’s a lot of mastic gum that isn’t the real deal… it shouldn’t get stuck in your teeth, here’s the one I get Greece, Greek Chios (Xios) Mastic...
That's the gum I chew. This gum will build up your jaw muscles on the side of your face but as for hollow cheeks and jawline that is dependent on your genetics. If I were you I would chew this gum while you go on a serious cut to get down to 10% bodyfat.
To do this plug your height and weight in a calorie calculator to find your daily calorie maintenance value. Reduce calorie intake by 500 calories. I recommend intermittent fasting, lifting weights, and cardio to speed up the process. This will take you anywhere from 1-3 months depending on how serious you are. When I say THIS SHIT works I mean it bro, but it takes time and effort.
Here is a calorie calculator.
It takes some getting used to, but mastic gum is completely plant-based.