Not sure if the source is legit but try here
I had a Devil of a time getting a notebook together recently. I thought they were totally normal and was amazed when I had trouble finding the book and the zip up cover. When I finally found them a friend who is an army vet called me out for being a Jarhead lol.
I recommend the green GSA notebooks. I go through one a quarter and divide them up with tabs just as you describe. It won't fit in a pants pocket but fits in jackets and bags easily. Very well made and durable as hell.
Yeah, Amazon
Hand written. At least every watch I ever stood. Written in these usually with these pens.
Mostly we wrote anything of importance that happened. Not me, but a friend of mine was on watch when a drunk sailor drove a Camaro through our hangar while being chased by base security. Was an interesting write up. Was something like "Security stopped car IN hangar, no damage reported."
Mostly it was checking people in and out on leave, the CO or OIC coming and going. Aircraft checking in when they land or right before take off when out on missions. Notable phone calls, or anything you feel needs to passed along.
It's like a blue version of these military Federal Supply notebooks.
Thank you. I actually decided to lighten the load this school year. and only kept the smaller of the two backpacks. I carried one of these that carried all of my textbooks, these specifically with the same phone in the last one for a size reference, 12 cans of Diet Dr Pepper(I've since drastically cut back on my soda consumption to the point it's maybe a one a week type of thing), my lockpick set, a gameboy color with Pokemon Yellow, 4 more Pilot G2s two Zebra mechanical pencils, two spiral bound notebooks and a hardbound journal. But yeah, anyway That stuff got heavy.