The ergodox ones were okay but a bit too low and shallow. Also I sold the ergodox.
The printed one that I did was a big no-go. The shape felt weird to me.
I’m using these rests from graffiti right now : They are a bit too wide and short, but they are better than nothing. Wish they were 40% taller and smaller foot print.
The best height support I found was using my chairs arm rests which put my hands at the perfect height with no compression on the wrist/palm. Unfortunately the extra height needed for the keyboard caused the desk to press down on my legs and it was difficult positioning when playing FPS games.
Good luck and let me know if you do find a good solution :)
I bought these, then I bought another set to double stack because they're not tall enough with the keyboard in tent mode. Not honestly impressed with the quality. Now I've moved on to full OCD territory and am building new arm/wrist rests for my desk with a jigsaw and a sheet of plywood... Link:
You could also consider a trackball and place it between the halves. Rotating your shoulder internally, towards the middle of your keyboards, is likely less stressful. Rotating your shoulder/arm externally, as you are now, is probably a more unnatural/strenuous movement for your shoulder/arm.
That said, I tried this switch and did not enjoy it. I just try to be conscious of my posture now when I use the mouse. Instead of just pivoting at my elbow/forearm to grab the mouse, I move my whole arm out, keeping my wrist/forearm at about the same angle (relative to the edge of my desk) it was while using the keyboard.
Also, wristpads make a pretty big difference. I use these:
Sorry, by attached wrist rest, I meant this link which I though was included:
Anyone used this? Feedback? Any option they liked better?
Swapped out my rubber dome MS Natural 4000 for this guy.
Loads of fun to assemble and really gave me a nice sense of achievement when it was done. Even gave it a custom logo to boot.
The body is acrylic (not that fancy), top plate is from Massdrop (kind of fancy), and wrist rests are from Amazon (squishy goodness). Mostly settled on the layout but still tweaking one or two buttons here and there.
They are available on Amazon.
I've been using these for both my split and non-split boards for probably about a year now
I like the Grifiti palm rests for the Ergodox. I use them with other keyboards.
I've been using the ErgoDox Grifiti rests to provide a negative tilt for the Centromere LP over the last week, and it's been working well for me.
I like the Grifiti palm rests for the Ergodox:
If you can't find it, this seems like a reasonable alternative:
Grifiti Fat Wrist Pad Massdrop Ergodox 2 Piece Set About 6.5 x 4.2 x 0.75 Inch Mirror Image Wrist Rests for Ergodox and Infinity Keyboard Sets (Black Nylon)
I got mine here.
I bought these from Amazon:
The materials are good but I don't feel them too comfortable, the surface is too hard for me. I am looking for an alternative for my next keyboard.
Is this your wrist rest?
All chance you could do 2 Ergodox rests in something very dark like African blackwood or Wenge? In the same shape as