This is the one I bought. I love it! It's got 3 arms that make it easy to direct the light. It also has brightness, timer, and wavelength (blue or red light or both) settings which makes it perfect if you want to do more specific seasonal light patterns. Final thing I like about it is the cost; it's under 30$ making it super affordable
Okay thank you so much I’ll be sure to post updates I’ve just relocated and I’m using these plant lights I bought on Amazon in a closet with better temp and humidity so I can crack the lid a bit more and allow more FAE I’m using these lights think they’re okay to imitate the light for them to know which way to grow?
Should I get a lamp for my ginseng tree?
Hi all. I was gifted a ginseng bonsai tree. Problem is, I get no direct sunlight in my home, and I have no outdoor space to put it. Should I get a lamp for it? If so, what type of lamp should I get? This is the top result on Amazon:
Idk if people in Norway use amazon but here r the grow lights I have they can clip on to the counter and the have different light settings and even a timer! Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants LED Lamp Bulbs Full Spectrum
Does anyone have any recommendations for good grow lights?
Difficulty: due to restricted space, I need something that, optimally, can be clamped to a table, though I've got a little bit of space for a stand light as well. Hung lights are a total no-go for me.
I currently have this light from Amazon, but it definitely doesn't feel like enough? The one I purchased has no wattage at all listed, and I see new listings now with supposedly 60 & 80W options for similar models.
I recently beheaded my echeveria due to etiolation/droopy leaves and it's recovering very vigorously, so I'd like to try avoiding the problem recurring. I saw someone in another post a week or so back mention that succulents should have 2000-3000 foot-candles lightwise, and using an admittedly-rough calculation with a mobile light meter gives a bare 33 candles for my lamp, even right against the LEDs. :( So I'm very concerned!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants LED Lamp Bulbs Full Spectrum
I’ve had two as long as I’ve had the plants almost got them a few days later. And I got a third recently.
Admittedly I've only had them like 4 day, but so far they're perking up my succulents that were suffering. However I'm kind of wishing I sprung for a white light. I'm a little self conscious of the pink drug den glow my house is emitting
Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants LED Lamp Bulbs Full Spectrum
Just set up this grow light today
Any advice? It’s my first winter with succulents. Normally they are in my kitchen window however that window is pretty drafty and it’s getting cold at night now
You probably won’t know till you buy it. I would try and group your plants under it. If you notice your plants might need more light (leaf drop) then pick up a second one. This is the one I use, I have two of them set up in two bunches of plants, they work great. grow light
No idea: it’s one of numerous cheap Chinese variations on amazon...this one
I have it on 12 hours a day at full power, both red and blue light, and with the lamp placed as close as possible to the plant, to the point where the leaf tips touch the bulb.
These are the ones I use. They’re okay, but there’s probably better ones out there
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants LED Lam… | $25.98 | - | 4.5/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
The LED light (60 full spectrum 39 red combined with 21 blue) is from Amazon it has 3 settings for lights red blue and mixed. I leave it on the mixed setting for 12 hrs. It turns off and on automatically. Amazon LED light link
The pot is in is part of a 12 inch Ferris Wheel that has 5 other succulents which are doing fine. This guy is the only one not really doing well. Each pot is about 2.5 inches tall. It does have a drain on the bottom. I try to switch them around so that each succ has close time near the LED light.
There isn't much soil (which i didn't think would be a problem since its a succulent) but what is in is mixed cactus soil and perlite. I typically water every two or three weeks. I've been watering less lately since its winter and thats what I've read to do for the time of season.
In the first picture I’m using indoor grow lights.
In the second image I’m using Hydroponic LED grow lights.
I received this one as a gift a few weeks ago - no complaints so far...
Amazon has cheap growlights that clip on to a surface and can cover about 1mx1m area. I recommend Or
Do you have a recommendation? I found this on Amazon:
Just updated the flair, thank you for the heads up can't believe i missed that.
Here's some photos of the Ficus and my setup. (the window is always open and north facing, just closed for the photos)
I also bought a cheap grow light from amazon
That one is on Amazon
I'm looking for some grow lights for a variety of succulents that have recently sprouted from seeds (mostly Echeveria with some Pachyphytum and some Sedum varieties). I live in an apartment with decent lighting and east facing windows, and currently am supplementing light for 10-12 hours a day with a cheap Amazon LED (
However, I know as I get into the winter that I would like the option to use blackout curtains to maintain the heat in my apartment and would like some recommendations for primary grow lights. Currently, I'm using the pedestal arrangement because the plants are not in any sort of shelving, but rather on one large counter.
I am willing to get shelving, but would rather not mount anything into the ceilings as I live in a rental currently. I live in the 6b hardiness zone and will be using a bottom heating pad in the colder months as I'm not sure how warm I'll be keeping my apartment.
Any help would be appreciated :D
This what I'm using now:
I know it isn't much, but this was really a trial run before I got a full tent setup and everything comes with it. On Friday, I will have a tent with this light:
Lights: Grow Light Plant Lights for... Humidifier: VIUME Humidifiers for... I’m in FC right now so I’ll let you know about the success
Grow Light Plant Lights for Indoor Plants LED Lamp Bulbs Full Spectrum Generic I guess but it’s listed specifically for plants
I live in the PNW as well and I have two of these currently:
They work well, my plants love them and I like that they have a self timer and are dimmable :)
I got this from Amazon. It was 24$ at the time.