Currently have one of these. Is there something more powerful with greater cover or should I just buy more of these? I’d rather have less little lights
Lighting and plants and specific grow lights is not in my wheelhouse I’ll admit.
Tank is a 3 gallon Aqueon rimless from Petco. Came with a glass lid. Light is from Amazon, originally meant for my indoor terrestrial plants, exact light is here: Plant Grow light. Substrate is organic garden soil, sifted to remove large chunks, capped with black aquarium sand from Petco.
Some plants are from Petco (rotala, ludwigia, hornwort, and the big green foreground plant next to the dwarf hair grass, can’t remember the name). The rest of the plants are from r/aquaswap and include Anubias nana, dwarf hair grass, vietnam rotala h’ra, cryptocoryne wendtii. Floaters are salvinia and dwarf water lettuce also from r/aquaswap.
Driftwood is from my local fish store. Betta from local fish store. No name yet. I originally had some red cherry shrimp from eBay but my betta decided they were snacks so there are no more.
After adding the shrimp my water parameters never changed from 0/0/0. Added the betta about 2 weeks later, I tested the water parameters every day and had one day where ammonia was maybe barely 0.25ppm. I did a 50% water change. Since then I have tested the water every day for the last 20 days and it’s always been 0-0.250/0. I’ve done 3 water changes to get rid of some detritus plant matter at the bottom that was bugging me.
Grow Lights for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum, Elaine 132W Auto ON/Off Plant Grow Light 3/6/12H Timing Sunlike Clip On Grow Light Lamp for Succulents and Seed Starting I got this one. But I was just reading a thread earlier and wonder if it isn’t enough.
Forgot to put this info in the original post:
This is a Walstad method tank. No filter or CO2.
Tank is a 3 gallon Aqueon rimless from Petco. Came with a glass lid. Light is from Amazon, originally meant for my indoor terrestrial plants, exact light is here: Plant Grow light. Substrate is organic garden soil, sifted to remove large chunks, capped with black aquarium sand from Petco.
Some plants are from Petco (rotala, ludwigia, hornwort, and the big green foreground plant next to the dwarf hair grass, can’t remember the name). The rest of the plants are from r/aquaswap and include Anubias nana, dwarf hair grass, vietnam rotala h’ra, cryptocoryne wendtii. Floaters are salvinia and dwarf water lettuce also from r/aquaswap.
Driftwood is from my local fish store. Betta from local fish store. No name yet. Red cherry shrimp from eBay. Started with 7 but after adding the betta I think it’s only 3 now...
After adding the shrimp my water parameters never changed from 0/0/0. Added the betta about 2 weeks later, I tested the water parameters every day and had one day where ammonia was maybe barely 0.25ppm. I did a 50% water change. Since then I have tested the water every day for the last 11 days and it’s always been 0/0/0. I’ve done one water change to get rid of some detritus plant matter at the bottom that was bugging me.
It’s this exact light from Amazon. plant light with 3 heads. I originally bought it months before for my indoor plants in the winter and when I started the tank, just swung over 2 of the 3 lights. The plants (both terrestrial and aqua) are growing like crazy so it must be a strong enough light.
It’s this one: Grow Lights for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum, Elaine 132W Auto ON/Off Plant Grow Light 3/6/12H Timing Function Sunlike Clip On Grow Light Lamp for Succ
This far away:
Absolutely!!! Grow Lights for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum, Elaine 132W Auto ON/Off Plant Grow Light 3/6/12H Timing Sunlike Clip On Grow Light Lamp for Succulents and Seed Starting
Was this one TBH I’m looking to replace with these soon so they attach right under the shelves and can add/link more if I’d seen them sooner I’d def have gone over these clamp on style ones
Barrina Grow Lights for Indoor Plants, Full Spectrum Sunlight, 2ft 40W (4 x 10W, 250W Equivalent), LED Grow Light Bulbs, T5 Grow Lights, Plug and Play, 4-Pack
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Grow Lights for Indoor Plants Full Spectrum, Elai… | - | - | 4.4/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I have these on one side of mine to fill out the lower areas. I’m really satisfied with em. These lights are what I have above it. I think they’re full spectrum. I’m not really sure what the difference is between full spectrum and UV is 😅 could just be a gimmick, but I always try to go with full spectrum lighting. I’m sure UV will be just fine.
I currently use LED lighting from amazon for my main succulents along with a fish tank full spectrum grow light.
For my propagations, I use a fish tank full spectrum light by itself set over the lid of the tank. It's been working great for me so far. The Fishy light was also from Amazon. Fish tank lights marked for plant growth sometimes are easier to set across things same with light strips that can be glued into cabinet bottoms and such.
Pretty much any full-spectrum light will work for plants though. I try to keep my lights 4-6 inches above the succs. I avoid the purple looking lights because they hurt my eyes.
Thanks! It's a single base with three stems. Here's where I got it:
I like it, it's quite bright and my plants seem to agree. I'm trying to stuff too many plants underneath it, though, so not all of them can be directly under a bulb and some of them etoliate or don't really blush fully.
I have it on from 6 AM to 6 PM.
To everyone who asked about the lights here is a link (They are from Amazon, and I think these are a great option, and the best you will find for the price, also avoid purple lights since they are weak)
Also thank you to everybody for commenting its greatly appreciated.
I got this one:
Mainly I have low-light plants like pothos, and also have monstera adansonii and rhaphidophora tetrasperma. I think they all tolerate low-light, but I noticed huge improvement in growth with the grow light, so I'm happy with it. It can mount to just about any shelf too. You can't use it without a shelf to mount to though, which is the only drawback
Edit: a bracket