I haven't come across something like that yet. But I have the Mr hobby procon boy that has a adjuster on the back end of the airbrush to limit how far you can pull the trigger. It essentially limits how much paint comes out which is perfect for shading.
GSI Creos Mr. Procon Boy FWA Platinum Airbrush, 0.2mm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0031M5RE8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Hkmiyb1VMF6P3
Are you from Singapore? Check out the GSI-Creos Proconboy. Their air brushes are made by Anest Japan which also happened to be the OEM for Iwata. You can buy one directly from Amazon JP for $80-90.
By the way, I also have the HD-130. It's a Chinese brand and mine was stamped with "Taiwan". I'd say it's rough and ready but I only use it to paint base coats. For fine details, I use my Proconboy FWA Platinum (0.2mm).