Innovative and genius! 😄
To take it one stem further, a game changer for parts like this is the GSI Creos Polisher Pro which can be had for like $20ish usually.
It is great for tiny parts / finicky parts where it can be hard to find a good point to tackle.
My “process” is same as you outlined here, but then using that to clean up the nubs.
I don’t use the polisher pro for everything (although I guess you could technically?) I just find it useful in tricky situations like this.
Thanks for sharing man!
I have this same exact unit but I only use it when I working on resin kits. Mr hobby sells a sander/polisher that would work better for just nubs
Highly recommend the GSI Creos Polisher Pro.
It’s not as aggressive as a Dremel which works in our favor in this case.
It is quite relaxing and part of the whole process. I get it. I just want to paint an army so I can join a gaming group for the first time and I'm excited and I spent an entire day the other day making 15 little starwars clones look perfect. The whole day......I am very ocd and perfectionist so I have to learn to be more efficient. Now I'm looking at the rebels and their mold lines are EVEN WORSE and I have 15 of those to clean now........I am thinking of ordering this tool.
It looks like it might help move things along.
Get the cordless Dremel 8220. I have been using this for over a year with no issues. It's nice to be able to take it outside to do resin sanding without using a extension cord. This along with the Mr. Hobby GT07 Mr. Polisher Pro is great for sanding.