I am wary, it is much better reviewed and states a different publisher, yet it uses the same cover as the poorly reviewed one? https://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Warfare-Ernesto-Che-Guevara/dp/149299748X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2UJHWTOTBG0LA&dchild=1&keywords=guerrilla+warfare+che+guevara&qid=1633600223&sprefix=Guer%2Caps%2C999&sr=8-1
I don't specifically recognize that from the book in question, it is probably another piece that he wrote on the subject. It turns out I mixed up titles between Che's book and Mao's book. While I'm not generally supportive of amazon, sometimes the easiest way to direct someone to a book is to give them a link to the amazon page so that they can know what they are looking for. That said, let me know if this link is an issue and I can remove it.
The otherside of the mountain: the Mujahideen during the Soviet-afghan war and a great companian to the bear went over the mountain. https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Afghan_Guerrilla_Warfare.html?id=3VJJDijysx8C&source=kp_book_description&redir_esc=y
On Guerilla warfare: By Mao himself https://books.google.com.au/books/about/On_Guerrilla_Warfare.html?id=4_yP6jTL1LgC&redir_esc=y
Guerilla warfare: by Che Guevera https://www.amazon.com/Guerrilla-Warfare-Ernesto-Che-Guevara/dp/149299748X
Insurgency & Terrorism: in depth analysis of contemporary insugencies https://www.amazon.com/Insurgency-Terrorism-Revolution-Apocalypse-Revised-ebook/dp/B001E2H5L0/ref=pd_aw_sim_351_1/132-8647266-8850646?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B001E2H5L0&pd_rd_r=3355dc30-a8e6-11e9-bd99-51f9e84bde3c&pd_rd_w=Dz8jC&pd_r...
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Guerrilla Warfare | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
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Guerrilla Warfare 🔗 | $0.00 | $0.00 | 4.6/5.0 |
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https://www.amazon.ca/dp/149299748X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_5JC55RFZ3CGGC5E877ZM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 want to find Chinese vision of this.
This reminds me, whilst we are on the subject of bookstore purchases, I would highly reccommmend every American household buys a copy of this
> You first said it was political backlash, now you are saying that it was Hezbollah using civilians as human shields that didn't allow Israel to win.
No, no. I said it was political backlash and I still stand by it. Israel got political backlash because of civilian casualties. Militarily, they were winning against Hezbollah. Hezbollah could not capture 1 cm of Israeli lands while Israel was getting deeper and deeper into Lebanese territory. Israel retreated, but not because Hezbollah was too strong for them in any kind.
> And your argument that Israel has to massacre all lebanese Twelver shiite to win is just flawed, Hezbollah didn't have more than 5 thousand troops in 2006.
You can't kill all those 5 000 troops because they are guerilla fighters. That means that they hide in homes, schools, etc. That's how guerilla warfare takes place. You hide among the population to ambush the conventional army. This is a book for you to start with:
> Lebanon was a big loser. Hezbollah not so much, they already have twice the rockets they had in 2006. Israel clearly didn't "lose", but they set objectives that they failed to achieve.
Hezbollah was militarily a loser. They got crushed, couldn't patrol their posts anymore openly like they used and had to use a big portion of their missiles/rockets.
The fact that they doubled their rockets now doesnt change that. If I lose my car today, but buy a new one next year, I still lost my old care despite having a new one.