Not in PDF but I used this to study for ICE exams at end of my course.
Passed core of ICE and all 5 specialties.
ICE test is basically a shorter and slightly less difficult version of NATE (test is still administered by NATE) exams.
I picked up this book on Amazon at the beginning of the year. It has one section where it's just information, then another section where it's all questions, with an answer key in the very back. For each section, it lets you know which NATE certifications the information applies to. For example, if you were only looking to get Core Service and Air Conditioning Service, you would only need to worry about sections marked as such.
I had planned to go for some NATEs this summer, but my studying flew out the window once I started working crazy overtime. Hopefully now that we're going back into maintenance season I'll find more time to open my book.
I like to test myself on the question sections and then grade myself with the answer key, and highlight the ones I got incorrect. It's a great book though. Good luck!
I haven't taken the test yet but this is the book all my teachers told me to buy.