Nah, but these are the types of guys feminism will create out of 90% of men. You've got a wave of feminists who require 'trigger warnings' for things like saying the word 'rape', ffs.
Go to SRS and see the amount of apologetics for liking cis white 'brodudes' given to women. 'Your vagina will like what it likes!' will be seen in every direction.
Feminist ideology for men relies on prostration and 'privilege checking'. When you have a dogma that elicits this type of garbage to much fanfare:
The men who follow feminism are going to feel--and often be required--to show how 'not like those other guys' they are, to always get 'enthusiastic consent' verbally "just in case" even though it turns almost all women off, to quell confidence and confident behaviour for fear it's too 'aggressive', and to limit his sexuality and feel shameful for having one due to ostenisible patriarchal mores.
I've got a question:
why do you think that almost every feminist guy, at best, looks like this?
Why do you think most of the women on the side of the feminist dogma at FtB/A+/Skepchick look like this:
Doesn't this start to warrant actual thought and discovery when the pattern is so prevalent?