They make devices for making cold brew:
But there's nothing out there that brews cold coffee instantly like you do with hot coffee(except for hot coffee on ice).
I’ve started making it at home. It’s super easy — easier than going to get it somewhere. I’m still newish, and deciding what beans to use. Just ordered some to try from Philz website delivered to my door. When this is out I’ll order from a few other vendors then pick a favorite.
I have two of these cold brew pots that I leave in the fridge. Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Coffee Pot 1000ml - .
I just rotate through them, add coffee grounds and fill it with water and stick in the fridge and it’s good the next day. When empty, I dump the grounds in compost, rinse everything and refill. On the weekends when I’m drinking less, I run the parts through the dish washer.
I like to use this Goes up to 1000ml and I typically use 90 grams of beans ground on the coarse side. Let it sit on the counter for a couple hours and then in the fridge over night.
Device: Hario Mizudashi Water: 1150ml Coffee: 105g Grind: Medium-fine (14 on Encore) Time: 20-24 hours in fridge
It produces a concentrate so I add water or milk to taste upon serving
Theres a specific pitcher/filter combo you can get in order to make cold brew. I have one, but ill have to go find it before I can give you a specific brand name or something. You just put the grinds in the filter, pour filtered water in the pitcher, and let it extract overnight in the fridge. Be sure to allow at least 12 hrs of time for the water to extract the coffee.
EDIT: This is what I have Anything similar will have the capabilities of making some good cold brew.
Like /u/chairmanzian said, cold brew will usually turn out similarly regardless of the bean used. That being said, it has a lot more to do with the method you use to brew it. I have a Hario Mizudashi, and it makes smooth, but still very flavorful cold brew.
That being said, Ill usually use beans that I wouldn't normally hot-brew with. If a family member gives me Starbucks beans (or something less fresh like that) as a gift, I'll cold brew it and it usually turns out awesome. Don't spend money on expensive fresh beans if you're going to cold brew.
I have the Hario Mizudashi and I love it! Recipe is pretty simple too, I just add 80g of coffee and brew. Once I remove the filter basket with grounds, I just add water until I hit the black plastic to dilute and it's drinking strength (roughly 1:2 water:concentrate).
Just curious: what's the real difference between the Filtron and the Hario cold-brew pitcher that I can frequently for half the price? I've been using the Hario pitcher for the last couple of years and have been really happy with the product, but if Filtron does it better, I'll wanna give it a whirl.
What about something like ?
And honestly if I can get a cheap version of a blended drink without tasting much if any coffee I'd be happy. Or at least the bitter stuff I associate with black coffee.
What if I used Xanthan Gum instead of a frappe powder and solely used my own ingredients for the rest of it?
Coffee AND tea.
Coldbrew coffee that I make with a Hario Water Brew Coffee Pot, using coarse ground beans from a local coffee shop in my city. I usually brew it for about 15 hours before I drink it. I drink coffee when I know I've got a rougher week, and also when I was studying for the MCAT. Also, lattes, man.
I also like coldbrew tea, which is usually what I'll drink in the afternoon if I want some help for getting through the rest of the day and don't want to stay up too late that night. I usually drink my tea with no sugar, and I use tea leaves from Taiwan that my aunt, who runs a milk tea/tea stand there, orders. I like both green and black tea equally but I tend to drink black tea more often.
It definitely looks to be a V60 + carafe + ice container as you say. Hario also makes a similar cold-brew pitcher that I recommend if you'd like to try that method.
If you like iced coffee, what about an iced coffee maker (e.g., this one). I use mine everyday and it makes awesome iced coffee (even if you just use cheapo grounds)
I use the Hario Mizudashi for cold brew. There’s a smaller size as well.
I use the Hario Mizudashi pitcher but you can buy these pretty neat socks from places like HappyMug that are perfect for occasional drinkers of the deep, cold black. As /u/Shoeshiner_boy pointed out, you can just dial back the brewing time to compensate for the smaller grind.
(I'm sure others here can offer up solutions that use cheesecloth or something similar.)
Buy one of these and start shopping for decent beans.
Is this the one you bought?
I just use this and have no complaints.
I recommend this thing. Way cheaper than the Toddy and consistently makes amazing cold brew:
Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Iced Coffee Pot/Maker (1000ml, Black)
Nope, never tried cold brews. Prefer having it hot. What equipment do you use ? coffee makers like these ?
what about a cold brew set up like (this)[], plus some luwak coffee?
I have one of these that broke so I'm using the filter from it.
this guy is so useful i bought a second so i'd never be out. then, you know, moved.
now the only coffee maker i've got is more along these lines, and i love it - but it's recurrent-time-intensive and the weather around here is already to the point where hot coffee in the morning is not so appealing. an eyedropper, though, no sweat.
I bought this. So much easier.