Yeah, baking soda wouldn’t do anything for bed bugs. You might be thinking of diatomaceous earth, which would work on bed bugs and most insects.
A lot of people I know swear by the stuff. But take care when cleaning it up. I wouldn’t vacuum it with anything you want to use vacuum ANYTHING else. I’d mask up like I was sanding or doing any other task that creates a very fine dust... It is supposed to be terrible if it gets in your lungs, and if you vacuum it, your vacuum will probably eject the dust for months even after thorough cleaning and new filters... I can’t first hand vouch for its effectiveness against bed bugs, as it was verified with the exterminator that there were no bed bugs to begin with ... but I can tell you it’s a pain to clean up, especially if someone decides to run it through your vacuum after dusting the whole house with it...
HARRIS Bed Bug Killer, Diatomaceous Earth (4lb with Duster)
This shit works I’ve used it. I tried rubbing alcohol with no results, and after extensive research I decided to try this powder. 3 months later they were gone.
Harris Bed Bug Killer, Diatomaceous Earth (4lb with Duster Included Inside The Bag) works wonders
Buy some good poison to kill bed bugs.