Has anyone here purchased this harry potter knitting book? I came across it on my local library's web site but the reserved list is months long. Its only $1.99 to purchase the kindle version and I was wondering if anyone had any reviews. I might buy it just to see as it so cheap for 25 patterns.
I know you are probably looking for free patterns, but this book was worth every penny. This is coming from a person that hates paying for patterns but this book has more than paid for itself. Harry Potter: Knitting Magic: The Official Harry Potter Knitting Pattern Book https://www.amazon.com/dp/1683838262/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_VH6MCJAR13SJFBP0VJ4J?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
The pattern is Hedwig from knitting magic I have to admit I’m unsure what the yarn is called but I know it’s not the same as mentioned in the pattern. The wings should have been black dotted, but the shop only had this ‘candy colored’ (or something like that)
I’m very sure that this is the most technically difficult I’ve knitted so far, but it was very fun and I learned a lot
The Harry Potter franchise has an amazing official knitting pattern book full of licensed patterns for the classic sweaters, blankets, robes, and animals of Harry Potter. Not to add *another* thing for you to do, but a licensed set of Cosmere knitting patterns would be AMAZING merch.
You could have patterns for sweaters for ever knight radiant order, sweater dresses based off of a Hava, a bridge 4 hat, even a pattern to knit a little chiri-chiri.
Anyway, even if this isn't something that your team will have time for in the next decade, I hope I've planted a little idea seed in your brain.
There is the link for it in Amazon! It's a wonderful resource and has wonderful patterns. This sweater is very loosely based on a pattern in here, and thanks.
This book has a different Weasley pattern as well as charts for each letter of the alphabet.
Harry Potter Harry Potter Knitting Magic
Tanis Grey (or Gray) did an entire book of Harry Potter patterns. She used to do Vogue patterns and you can follow her on FB.
I don’t know if you also knit/crochet, but if you do there’s an entire book of patterns that you may find interesting.
Looks like it’s from the Harry Potter Knitting magic book https://smile.amazon.com/Harry-Potter-Knitting-Official-Pattern/dp/1683838262