We used this trap and used some canned tuna as bait. The burlap cover it comes with smells really bad so we just put a towel over it. We put the trap in the area where we usually see all the feral cats and went away for around an hour. When we came back, there she was in the trap!
I second using a carrier (one that can be closed quickly is ideal, since she might get freaked out). Place some food in there a la Hansel and Gretel and then zip it up! I use an old towel to cover it as well while transporting, helps to calm them down.
I use this trap- it folds up for easy storage too! This brand has other versions as well.
Some resources as well! Last ones has lots of local groups that you can learn from or help out.
Good luck!
If you're catching full-grown fluffies you'd just need a cat trap (I assume you want live capture).
Dude, what the fuck.
They're cats. I could understand if it was something dangerous, something that could kill you easily, or something that's considered a pest that can fuck your property up. But a cat? You're fucking kidding me. This is the kinda shit that little kids get thrown in the institution for doing.
By all means, shoot the poor bastards, but you'll be a sick pile of shit for doing it. Do something more humane, like calling your city/county animal welfare office, or trapping them yourself with Something like this. With your budget for a rifle you could buy 5 and some shitty canned food from Aldi (they'll like it if they're hungry enough). Once you have them trapped, take them to the closest animal shelter and they'll help you get them out of the trap, and get them to a barn cat program or even a loving family.
You'll still have ~$1450.00 to spend. Idk what that'll get you anymore, but you can build a pretty nice AR-15 for that, or get something cool like an AK-74 and have enough left over to trick it out however you want.