Do it! It’s very fascinating and satisfying! I watched this video (all of his videos are very interesting and informative) and followed his method.
I also purchased this knife which made the process so much easier but be careful it is dangerously sharp.
For the boiling I just bought the cheapest propane camping stove at Walmart and a small pot. For the Hydrogen Peroxide step I just used regular brown bottle peroxide from the drugstore with some water and a smidge of oxyclean and it bleached the bones exactly how I wanted them. For other cleaning tools I used a $2 blemish tool from the Walmart beauty section and a pair of $2 tweezers.
Also I can not recommend these brushes enough, they were perfect for small sections and for doing a final pass through the brain cavity/nasal cavity to get the last bits of tissue.
Just take your time and really get everything as clean as possible! I had never done anything like this before and I managed! If I can do it, so can you!