Hopefully the book appeals to some in the transhuman reddit; transhumanism is only one aspect of the overall story, but it's a crucial one.
Influenced by Ray Kurzweil's 'The Singularity is Now,' I crafted a villain whose goal is to go ahead and expedite the Singularity, by essentially 'becoming' it (along with his partner-in-crime, the A.I. virus "Integer."
Meanwhile in the book, the protagonist, a young kid named Hector, is one of those typical unwitting superhero types who stumble into their new powers ill-prepared for how the real world will accept them. What ends up happening is the military (or a branch of it, aka the Fin) decides to run a few experiments on him, modifying his already superpowered self using nanobots to completely replace his DNA.
So now he's augmented from both his lame superpowers and the intelligent hive of nanobots which make up his body. The effect of this blend of abilities is cumulative; his once useless powers begin to allow him to do things which people hadn't thought possible.
Meanwhile the villain, of course, wants these powers for himself...
As for the Fin, their interest is in an experiment undertaken decades prior by the electrical engineer Nikola Tesla, and in exploring alternate dimensions in hopes of finding the displaced remains of Yddlin Tesa (aka the isles of Atlantis), using Hector as a key to both objectives.
I think transhumanism is interesting in part because it removes limitations, or perceived limitations, on human potential, especially augmented potential. We don't know what is around the corner...and this book is an exploration of several possibilities... https://www.amazon.com/Haveck-First-Transhuman-Matt-Cates-ebook/dp/B0151TVBES/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1466881618&sr=8-1&keywords=matt+cates#navbar
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