>when I remove the skimmer basket and then attach the vacuum hose to the skimmer inlet, the pump sucks air for a bit until it is able to purge it and go back to normal operations
If you're vacuuming leaves up you might want to get a vacuum plate that lets you leave the basket in. Or emptying the leaves out of the pump works too. https://www.amazon.com/Hayward-SP1106-Skim-Ground-Skimmer/dp/B003ZTF8HS
You can get all the air out of the vacuum hose first. Hold the end underwater with your foot and then feed the rest of the vacuum hose into the water and down so it fills up with water. Then attach to skimmer.
Yeah looks like a skimmer plate might be in order
Hmmm, I didn't know there were ones that do that. I assume it uses something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Hayward-SP1106-Skim-Ground-Skimmer/dp/B003ZTF8HS?th=1
There is a pipe above one of the skimmers. It definitely has no suction to it. I figured it was either for automatic pool filler to add water or is some kind of overflow drain. It doesn't seem to be connected to anything inside the skimmer: https://photos.app.goo.gl/LLrCbYFriJcc5beaA
I thought they (non-powered vacuum cleaners) always had a separate vacuum lined plumbed. But I did read - admittedly mostly in the marketing blurb for powered skimmers - that those kinds of arrangements put extra load on my pump. I've yet to determine if my pump / DEF filter is correctly sized (I think 120GPM max for the 60sf DE filter and motor is 15.HP with 1.25 service factor).
Wasn’t sure what to call it - “hose cap” may not be a great term.
This is the one I have:
I use this to attach my vac hose to the skimmer while all the collected debris is captured by the skimmer basket: