Ahh, I'd just use the HDMI in that case. Pick up a $14 hdmi switch or something if you need to make it work for now but don't feel like hot swapping the cables all the time.
A splitter works.
I use this and switch between my PC and Chromecast from the TV.
The annoying thing is physically having to press the button to switch displays; but a minor issue and works fine for your purposes.
Okay, I would suggest an HDMI splitter. I do this same thing, I have an Xbox, and my PC running on the same monitor, sometimes I’ll even hook my laptop up to the monitor if I have something on it that I need to access that isn’t on my PC, the HDMI splitter is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a single output, multiple input splitter that, with the press of a button, changes the input routing to another HDMI, I use this for switching between Xbox and pc without having to unplug cables, and it sounds like it would work well for you also. They’re about $10-$15 on Amazon
edit: here’s a link to a nice little $10 splitter!
This is the simplest, most-reviewed one on amazon
10 bucks, and you don't have to get another cord. I'd try this one.
No way to connect your laptop to your gaming rig to make one computer out of them, but you could use an HMDI splitter
( HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ebggFbWZNH1TG )
This will most likely add a few milliseconds response time to your gaming rig as it has a pass through now, so if you’re a serious gamer with a low response time monitor, it could hinder the response slightly. But this way you can use your gaming monitors without having to swap cables back and forth, just hit a button instead.
I got a cheap one off of Amazon.
First one they sent failed after a month, but they sent a replacement for free right away when I contacted them.
Been working fine for a few years now.
Something like this
Another option would be to purchase something like this.
Ohhh that makes more sense.
I think the electronics on the kamvas are a bit so so, because I noticed the Usb-C cable (not the 3 in 1, but the USB C to USB C they sell separately) is sensitive to orientation. USB C is supposed to work whatever way it's turned, but with the kamvas only one was good and i had to mark the cable to know which side is up.
I'm so sorry your dock got damaged. At least it's replaceable. You can use your pc monitor with an HDMI switch to switch between the console and the pc (like HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_Q9HVWM7A57YM6HDS2GDY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 not saying this one will work, but probably), or a USB capture card on your PC and OBS to capture the signal from the switch.
I used this one for a time, but I found it easier just to move one cable between my PS4 and Switch than it was to use the switch. No it doesn't support 4K so if that's a deal breaker you'll need the HD 60 4K.
Yes, but I am wanting both screens to show my work during the day and have both operational. I will look in to more splitters but the one I have currently HDMI Splitter does not allow for the output of multiple sources at once. So at least this connector I already have won’t work for what I am trying to do.
I don't fully understand your situation, but I think this is what you are looking for:
This is an HDMI switch. You plug the connector end into the TV and plug your laptop into one of the three ports.
When you don't want to use your laptop, you push the button on the switch, and it will switch to a different input on the switch. At that point, your laptop will recognize it is not connected to anything and switch over to single display mode.
All these Wii U ports made me buy an HDMI Switcher for $10 instead of spending $60 a pop on games I already own. Now my standard tv has an Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo (Wii U/Switch) HDMI slot + Wii (/gamecube).
PS5 doesn’t work through my HDMI splitter. Works fine plugged directly into the TV, but I really don’t want to have to change it every time I want to play or watch TV.
Anybody know why this is happening?
If I need to buy a different splitter, can any of you recommend one that’ll work?
This is the one I have now: https://www.amazon.com/HDMI-Switch-GANA-Splitter-Supports/dp/B06VX1PKQ7?pd_rd_w=Yql6Z&pf_rd_p=4fd8798a-ba65-45b8-b40c-250b52c9d9e0&pf_rd_r=X0NAQFG23HX367S348X1&pd_rd_r=3726104c-c642-40ad-9c92-79ae6a1e25b2&pd_rd_wg=NGoFO&pd_rd_i...
Am I missing something? Are you looking for a HDMI Switch?
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_0HDFDbR79D3RS
I used this one when I was using PC and Switch with HDMI with only one HDMI port, and it worked well for me.
However, just because it worked for me doesn't mean you shouldn't look further. Browse some HDMI switches and see if you see one you like more, or if you want to try a different solution. Good luck!
This is what I have been using for about 2 years as well. No complaints and you cant beat the price. HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_3cBZCb2J51YPC
I have a switcher that I run a PS4 and my Switch to that has been working without problems. This is it
Your best option, though, is to just run from the dock to the TV.
it does not work that way, you need to connect directly to the display, get a cheap hdmi switch cable or box (for the monitor)
don't get that one, just first one i pulled out of amazon with hdmi splitter search.
I use a 3-to-1 HDMI switch that has a button. I use a Display Port to HDMI adapter for one of the laptop outputs and the other two have HDMI. I think I paid $25 for mine on Amazon.
I had to do the same thing (xbox, roku & ps3 while Tv has only one HDMI port) until I purchased HDMI Switch. Now all 3 are connected always and changing is just press of a button.
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
Try getting a splitter. Send the audio through HDMI to the receiver and the video the projector without having to route one through the other. Could be an issue with the cable but might be the AVR like you said.
I have 3 of these and have had no issues. I only have 1 hdmi port on my tv so i have two of these plugged into a third to give 7 hdmi slots. Ill probably get a third for 9 ports. I am maxed out right now.
I don't think you need an active HDMI switch (if by active, you mean it needs a source of power).
I bought this one from Amazon last week and it works just fine. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06VX1PKQ7/
It's interesting because when I change my input from DisplayPort (going to my graphics card) to HDMI (going to the HDMI switch I linked), the monitor OSD doesn't seem to indicate that an HDMI source is present, but the video comes through anyways when I switch to HDMI. YMMV.
Get one of these things. Takes a few more HDMI cables, but you don't have to switch in and out of your devices.
I just bought this because of my situation as shown in my reply to the other user in this thread. I heard it works well for gaming, and it has 3 slots, don’t know too much else though.
A KVM switch is super overkill. Just get a HDMI basic switch, something like this.
Also keep in mind that, if you get a monitor with both an HDMI and DVI input, you can get an HDMI->DVI adapter (same pins, just different connector) and keep them both connected at the same time.
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_E5JHAbJ5692M1 This won’t work right? If it’s hdmi,
If it’s hdmi do I even need optical for soundbar. How would atmos work with a splitter?
I use this one that i got on amazon for $10 and it works pretty well. Only con is that you have to press a button on it to switch between the inputs but it is powered by the hdmi in and it always defaults to the first system that was turned on(ex. If you have a switch and a ps4 plugged in, turning either one one will make the hdmi splitter automatically default to that one). It works for me to use my switch and snes classic.
Ah good point, forgot about the two HDMIs! I've scoured and they seem to be really hard to find on ITX* motherboards (mine is a high end ITX that cost about $120 mainly due to overclocking capability, on board wifi, etc and it only had one also) - though you can pick up a splitter for like $10 on Amazon if that helps? https://www.amazon.com/Switch-GANA-Splitter-Pigtail-Supports/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1504964746&sr=1-2&keywords=hdmi+splitter
HDMI switch should work.
You're looking for a device like this random example on Amazon US, allowing you to switch between sources connected to a single monitor.
>HDMI switch,
Something liek these work?
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ZKMWJ4E4F9DGKPCBK3WN
Haven’t had any issues with this one.
So I am wondering if it is a hardware limitation on one of the things I bought. I've even used the same input / cable the Nintendo was plugged into (the Nintendo works).
So the switch is this piece
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_SFJCTJ9ZXYFNCH69GK6S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Then it had to plug into this male/male adapter
UGREEN HDMI Coupler 2 Pack 4K HDMI Adapter Female to Female HDMI Connector 3D 4K HDMI Extender Compatible with HDTV Roku TV Stick Chromecast Nintendo Switch Xbox One Playstation PS4 Laptop PC https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A30FELW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_Q2DKE528CA4KTHXMAK7D?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Guessing it's one of these two giving me the problem?
Just get a video switch... plug both systems into switch.. send one HDMI from switch to monitor.. press one button on switch to change to different system.
HDMI switches can be found for roughly $15. https://www.amazon.com/HDMI-Switch-GANA-Splitter-Supports/dp/B06VX1PKQ7
HDMI switches with an added DisplayPort are a little more expensive. https://www.amazon.com/Port-HDMI-Video-Switch-DisplayPort/dp/B07XW3QNV8
Might be other DP/HDMI switches out there for less, this is just the first option I saw.
But if both systems can run HDMI just go with the first one.
I've been able to get 1440p with that hub ever since I got. Ive used this HDMI Switch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share since I have a Nintendo switch and ps4 connected to this monitor I used to use https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08J9PTTFQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch… | - | - | 4.3/5.0 |
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i'm not sure we have tesco around here ahah for reference this is the splitter i use for my monitor? https://www.amazon.com/HDMI-Switch-GANA-Splitter-Supports/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=hdmi+splitter&qid=1620338141&sr=8-5
i've always just called the one i have a splitter but i see it makes sense that this is a switch, rather than a normal splitter.
I have mine hooked up to this and it works just fine for me.
Then again, I wouldn't take anything Amazon 'support' says seriously. They have no clue what they're doing
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_bsJxFbXA1N8QR. That’s the HDMI switch I referenced above.
Best $10 I ever spent
im looking for something like this but the male end is mini HDMI https://www.amazon.com/HDMI-Switch-GANA-Splitter-Supports/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-nc-drs1_0?cv_ct_cx=hdmi+splitter&dchild=1&keywords=hdmi+splitter&pd_rd_i=B06VX1PKQ7&pd_rd_r=b7560b28-3935-4385-b208-d08c8243cc7d&pd_rd_w=LOMG9&pd_rd_wg=ZgjDL&pf_rd_p=43f4b3f0-0b04-46ba-8a08-2e851d035e17&pf_rd_r=V2CWAH034GAPFNXWZETH&psc=1&qid=1594763547&sr=1-1-f3947b35-9c59-4d7a-9603-b751e6eed25b
That would really suck. An HDMI splitter might work, or you can buy another monitor.
shouldn't matter. You can always buy an HDMI switch like this:
I want it so that I am able to switch the output of an HDMI by the click of a button.
Kind of like this but with 3 out instead of 3 in.
So an HDMI switch box?
Like the hundreds on Amazon?
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_lANiCb4HWW551
Got one of these earlier this year and have had no issues.
Cool, thank you!! Will take a look! And that works with your 4K Fire TV? Looks almost exactly like the one I ordered, which didn't work: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This one is rated to support 4K devices and the reviews seem to be good.
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_X9TLBbDR2Q0KD
This is what I use for my Xbox/PC/Laptop. Can be a little finnicky sometimes but for the price it works pretty damn well :)
It's called an HDMI splitter. I was just in the market for one recently. Here is one on Amazon as an idea. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_eGwxAbNVC0JFT
> On a side note, would it be better to get a monitor with 1 hdmi input, and have an hdmi switch to plug my 2 inputs in? Or look for a monitor with just the 2 inputs by default?
Either method is fine and will yield the same result.
However, the first option allows you to have many more options for monitors.
IMO, the switch offers better flexibility. I would go with that.
Dual HDMI monitor with speakers
Better dual HDMI monitor. No speakers, but it has a 3.5mm audio output and option for attachable sound bar.
Does it look like this?
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_3yGHzbTQBETZ3
It should work as well as any HDMI source. Though even some sort of basic HDMI selector would probably be cheaper and give better results.
Try this:
HDMI Switch,GANA 3 Port 4K HDMI Switch 3x1 Switch Splitter with Pigtail Cable Supports Full HD 4K 1080P 3D Player https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06VX1PKQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_e5KzsrqoJjqmN
It works for me, but your limited to 30fps on full 4k output.