Very relatable! Even down to how my mom would do the "figure out what you did wrong and why I'm angry" passive aggressive pouting thing sometimes. That was SO frustrating and distressing!
And oh, yes, every social faux pas I made was burned into my brain, for endless reliving and self-recrimination.
I can only conclude that this, too, has to do with our brains, and with the trauma of conflict (and trauma can shape the brain). It sets up a repeating pattern until we start learning new ideas and coping skills. And definitely it can affect our image of God and our relationship with Him.
One thing that greatly helped me was an exercise of imagining Jesus with me back in those past situations, helping me reframe them in my mind, knowing that He felt my pain and that He would help me heal the past so that the future would be better. This is the book that I got that from: