Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies by Michael HH Warren is a series that builds up to the end of days and deals with demon possession, Satans influence in the world etc. Only two books out so far but I've really been enjoying them.
The Last Generation series by Michael HH Warren is pretty good, just finished the second book. Fantasy/sci-fi/horror, really break the mould.
Here's the first book in a series that ends in the apocalypse? Check out the blurb and see if it's for you.
I think this would be right up your alley. Give the blurb a read and see if it's for you.
Hi There
I didn't write this book, but I helped develop it and edited it. It's the first of a 10 book series, leading up to the End Times. What we're trying to achieve is creating a gripping story that doesn't lay the Christianity aspect on too thick so that it can be used as an educational piece for anyone interested in eschatology (the study of end times) even if they're not religious. The first book is just the setup so it doesn't go into too much detail, but rather establishes the nature of this universe with a mystery plot to prop it up.
I hope you'll give it a try!
I had the pleasure of editing this novel by Michael HH Warren, it blew me away, and maybe it will do the same for you.
DO I HAVE THE BOOK FOR YOU! I'll let the blurb do the talking:
Shot in the dark, give this a go: https://www.amazon.com/Herbie-Hunter-Twisted-Furies-Generation-ebook/dp/B07CKDVNDR/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1524486984&sr=1-10&dpID=51MlgmSJIEL&preST=_SY445_QL70_&dpSrc=detail
If you'd like a three chapter sampler I think there's one going up on the authors site in the next few days.
This is for you! Give the blurb a read, I know the author, if you want a three chapter sampler I think he's putting one up on his site in the next few days, will send you a link.
I helped develop and edited this novel: https://www.amazon.com/Herbie-Hunter-Twisted-Furies-Generation-ebook/dp/B07CKDVNDR/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1524486984&sr=1-10&dpID=51MlgmSJIEL&preST=_SY445_QL70_&dpSrc=detail
Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies
Herbie Hunter’s life has been turned upside down. The year is 2026. Drought has ravaged North America and an unprecedented economic crash has left millions on the verge of poverty. To make matters worse, Herbie’s father has died, leaving him and his mother with nothing. They have no choice but to leave their high-tech life of luxury in Washington D.C. to live with Herbie’s grandmother in Paradise Rift, Nevada, an old mining town still lost in the past.
But Herbie quickly learns that Paradise Rift is no normal town—a UFO worshipping cult known as the Light Seekers have made it their headquarters, and strange happenings have plagued the town since their arrival.
On his first night in the rift, Herbie sees mysterious lights floating in the sky followed by a frantic woman running into the desert. But what Herbie meets in the darkness is no normal woman, but a shadowy creature with hands drenched in blood. After barely escaping with his life, Herbie is desperate to uncover whose blood was on the beast’s hands, and what role the Light Seekers played in its creation. With the help of his friends, family and a secret order of occult scholars, Herbie must reveal the truth despite the odds being stacked against him.
The first installment in the Last Generation series is riddled with mystery, horror and unspeakable evil. The first tantalizing taste of a conspiracy that reaches to the highest orders—Herbie Hunter and the Twisted Furies will make you rethink the agenda of the institutions that control the fate of the world.