Regrettably, the consensual world history is a finely-woven magic fabric of intricate lies about events predating the sixteenth century. There is not a single piece of evidence that can be irrefutably and independently dated earlier than the eleventh century. Radiocarbon and dendrochronological dating are manipulated by mainstream historians. <em>LOOK INSIDE</em> <em>History: Fiction or Science? Dating methods as offered by mathematical statistics. Eclipses and zodiacs. New Chronology Vol.I, 3rd revised Expanded Edition.</em>
📷*The Antiquity and subsequent Dark Ages fables were created by the concerted effort of the aristocracy, clergy, and humanists in XV-XVII centuries on the political agenda of Western Europe that have reached intellectual and technological superiority but stayed inferior militarily was to free itself from the control of the “Evil Empire” of Eurasia.*
📷The British Encyclopaedia names Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609) as the founder of the consensual chronology we live with. Protestant Kabbalist-numerologist Scaliger had considered himself a great mathematician that solved the ‘Quadrature of Circle’ problem by making π=3.16 (sic!). This ‘discovery’ was laughed at by the French mathematician François Viete, considered to be the father of algebra.
Scaliger’s principal works Opus Novum de emendatione temporum (1583) and Thesaurum temporum (1606) represent a vast array of dates produced without any justification whatsoever, containing the repeating sequences of dates with shifts equal to multiples of the major Kabbalistic numbers 333 and 360. Numerology was considered a major science then and J.J.Scaliger was a prominent Kabbalist of his time.
Neither Protestant J.J.Scaliger nor his follower Jesuit D.Petavius, clergy or humanists have paid much attention to Ockham’s law when they crafted Roman and Greek Antiquity. Their clients were condottieri upstarts who were seeking legitimacy in days of yore and became Popes, Cardinals, formed regal dynasties such as the Medicis. They paid exceedingly well for a glorious but fictitious past.
The English philosopher William Ockham (allegedly 1225-1279 AD) said: “entities should not be multiplied beyond necessity”. `Ockham’s razor` applied to history leaves us with a vision of humankind where civilization comes into being in the VIII- X centuries at the earliest.
📷Thorough research shows that there is literally no reliably datable information about events before the VIII century and that there is only very scarce information originating from the VIII to the X century. As a matter of fact, most events of “Ancient” History took place from the XI to the XVI century, were replicated on paper in 1400-1600 AD, and positioned under different labels in an imaginary past.
<em>LOOK INSIDE</em> <em>History: Fiction or Science? The dynastic parallelism method. Rome. Troy. Greece. The Bible. Chronol</em><em>ogical shifts. New Chronology Vol.2</em>
I read about this online quite a bit and could never find anything exactly credible on this topic until a professor recommended History: Fiction or Science. It was actually really well thought out. It discussed creating timelines based on the eye witness accounts of astrological occurrences like eclipses, comets, etc., dynasty lineages, how the Catholic Church had control over the calendars, and discredits many common dating methods used today.