Ah, okay, "lost songs" because they received the least airplay. Probably not enough money changed hands.
See also:Hit Men: Power Brokers and Fast Money Inside the Music Business
And probably way more relevant to the current landscape than any of these other books listed.
Also Hit Men by Fredric Dannen. Touches on the mob's influence on the music industry that still goes to this day. IIRC there's pictures of Jimmy Iovine with the Gambino family? Not to mention Tommy Mottola or any of those other gangsters.
Spotify is merely one of many ~~faces~~ tentacles of the major label mafia that has had its chokehold on the music industry for ages. These same guys are major stakeholders in YouTube Music, Amazon Music, Apple Music…you know, the usual lot. If you think you’re “doing better” by swapping Spotify for any of those, you’re deeply mistaken.
Here are a couple of links on the topic
Some books about Mafia infiltration into the music industry that don't often get mentioned here:
Hit Men: Power Brokers and Fast Money Inside the Music Business https://www.amazon.com/Hit-Men-Brokers-Inside-Business/dp/0679730613/ref=pd_aw_sim_14_1/140-2554857-0484969?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0679730613&pd_rd_r=fbcad607-255a-4d0e-adba-19511864673e&pd_rd_w=RLF8H&pd_rd_wg=uVmnC&pf_rd_p=ea8...
Stiffed: A True Story of MCA, the Music Business, and the Mafia https://www.amazon.com/Stiffed-Story-Music-Business-Mafia/dp/0060167459
Godfather of the Music Business: Morris Levy https://www.amazon.com/Godfather-Music-Business-Morris-American/dp/1496805704 <= haven't read this yet, but plan on it
It's the record label guys, Read this book:
Not sure if the old school music industry fits the "label" of 'evil'? Try reading Hit Men: Power Brokers and Fast Money Inside the Music Business