I have a ph80 made by HM digital that I have used every single day for two years. I need to calibrate it every 3 months or it drifts nearly a whole number but it always works for me! Just get some electrode storage solution and some ph7 calibration fluid and you are set. Make sure the electrode is never dry (even when you receive it!) and it should last a long long time!
This is the one I have as well. Very reliable. And not so expensive as Bluelab. This one is super solid as well and a bit cheaper than Apera:
I use this one, HM Digital PH-80. It's a middle of the road PH pen, gets the job done without breaking the bank but way better than the cheap ones. Using it for about 6 months and so far it's been trust worthy. Tweaked it a couple times with PH 7 solution but it was never off by far when I had to.
I know some people have had bad luck with cheapos off Amazon, but I've had at least three and had them calibrate and hold accuracy as well as I would expect any expensive one to do.
Remember that the people motivated to post spontaneous reviews are usually those who drew lemons or simply don't do the care routine. The best of them, regardless of cost, are said to last a year on the shelf, which is the life of the sensors, three to six months in service. And that's with proper cleaning and storage in storage solution routines. (If you weren't rinsing it after each use and keeping storage solution in the sensor cover cup, that would hasten failure.)
I did break down and spring for this one last time, and I think it's held up better, but it may just be that the soft rubber cap with the sponge in it is a reminder to care for it properly.
I've been using this for about 2 years now and haven't had any issues. I still calibrate it every month just to be safe. HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester HydroTester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_17M5Z58D7PY9BY6BXFGE
Here's a budget friendly one I've been using for the past year
And get these with it
For checking pH, this is a good bit cheaper than bluePen and works just fine. HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
If you want something you can leave in your reservoir and run continuously: 2 in 1 Temperature pH Monitor... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SJ7XFBY?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I use the pen to check my mixes as I go, I run a couple of the other units continuously and I check calibration intermittently to make sure nothing's drifting. So far they have all held calibration extremely well and continue to work for me. Best of all, you could get two of these for the price of a blue pen and have an extra in case one did fail.
HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester HydroTester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_A7KGN2YGGCVWEC0MGBXD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Apera PH20 is what I use. It's rock solid. I have heard this one is quite good as well (and a bit cheaper):
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester… | $30.89 | $30.89 | 4.5/5.0 |
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