Can anyone shoot me a link to purchase those silicone grip, cable attachments you see at bodybuilding gyms nowadays?
I found something similar on Amazon:
but, reviews claim that these are knockoffs and the shipping cost itself is more than the actual unit.
Thanks guys
Not the exact ones but same pieces and same price.
Home Gym Fitness Rowing T-bar V-bar Pulley Cable Machine Attachments, Bicep Curl Tricep Lat pulldown Bar Back Strength Training Handle Grips Lat Pull Down Bar Press Down Exercises
Home Gym Fitness Rowing T-bar V-bar Pulley Cable Machine Attachments, Bicep Curl Tricep Lat pulldown Bar Back Strength Training Handle Grips Lat Pull Down Bar Press Down Exercises
Anyone know which Amazon grip set are the closest clone to the MAG bars? I’m seeing a few that are all very similar but the actual grips look slightly different from one another and MAG bars seemed pretty legit (though super pricey) to me. These are what I’ve turned up:
Best Lat Pull/Low row bars/handles?
Looking to upgrade both these attachments. Ive seen these on amazon but the shipping cost is odd which makes be second guess them. I know ive used similar styles in globo gyms before but dont know the brands or if the price is worth it.