It’s you
***POTENTIAL*** biohazard. Did you miss the word "Potential" right before the word biohazard??
Today's word of the day (at least for you) is "POTENTIAL". Say it with me now PO--TEN--TIAL.
[ puh-ten-shuhl ]
See synonyms for potential on
🍎 Elementary Level
possible, as opposed to actual:
the potential uses of nuclear energy.
capable of being or becoming:
a potential danger to safety.
possibility; potentiality:
an investment that has little growth potential.
a latent excellence or ability that may or may not be developed.
a potential aspect, mood, construction, case, etc.
a form in the potential.
Electricity. electric potential (def. 1).
Mathematics, Physics. a type of function from which the intensity of a field may be derived, usually by differentiation.
someone or something that is considered a worthwhile possibility:
The list of job applications has been narrowed to half a dozen potentials.
You should learn to read the whole comment before making stOOpid (stUpid) replies. This might help you out with that task --->
This might also be worth you checking out as well -->
I did read your replies, and responded to all your points, but maybe you aren't just a fat loser. It's possible you're also dumb with weak reading comprehension. I said AFTER everyone who wants to be vaccinated gets vaccinated, I agree with you about masks. But wearing shitty masks, even 2 shitty masks, has not been enough to protect people pre-vaccine. People dying at a rate of under 1% if they're really young doesn't mean that the world is off limits to everyone except those under the age of 30.
Wearing a mask has never been difficult, and saying that "I'll do me and you do you", even if it results in the deaths of other people, because the % chance of them dying is low, isn't an "analogy that makes no sense". The analogy is that someone shouldn't be allowed (per the government) to do something stupid and reckless to endanger other people's lives. I know that is really really complicated for you, but maybe now it makes more sense.
You do realize more American's have died to Covid than Americans that died in WW1 and WW2 combined. Talking about freedom and shit, what kind of unpatriotic psychopath are you? Unless again, you're somehow missing the point and talking about a post-vaccinated world. Which would really highlight your lack of reading comprehension.
The lifespan of humans hasn't over doubled in the last 200 years because "Well then maybe we should get outside and build up our immune systems so we can fight these "new variants" then huh?". It is because of vaccines and scientific advancements in healthcare. Without that, most people would be dead at 35 buddy. Of course I don't expect you to know that, or to understand that.
You already don't understand that masks are primarily to keep you from spreading the virus, rather than to protect you from the virus. I mean, you don't even know how to spell "triple" and I'm assuming you're an adult? So I'm going to double down on the fact that you're probably dumb. If 12+ years of education wasn't enough to teach you how to spell 2nd grade words, then arguing about healthcare policies isn't something I'd expect you to be an expert on.
I suggest you start here. And work your way back up through high school. If you can make it through Uni in a related STEM field, maybe we can look back at this in a few decades and have a more substantive discussion.
Hmm, so making a comparison between two things automatically means I'm saying one is better than the other? I literally pointed out one thing about CS and compared it to the same thing in R6. How is a higher tick rate not good for the game? Please explain.
>Then go play CS:GO. Nobody said you had to be here.
How is this not belittlement? Crazy that you don't even realize your own hypocrisy even though we're on the same side. I've played CS:GO for 6 years. Started playing R6 a month ago and I already prefer R6. So how does anything I said equate to being CS > R6? I'll admit I didn't need to call the community shit, but anytime I queue ranked I get tkers, leavers and people with mics that won't call if you didn't queue with them. So IME the community has a ways to go. I've already wasted plenty of time explaining something that didn't even need explaining so how about you just slide on back to your meaningless /r/barstoolsports discussions. In case you're still confused.
> This is literally your argument.
haha man... you really need to work on reading comprehension. Here you go bud.
You'll thank me later.
>Point proven.
No the fuck it isn't you incredibly stupid man. Jesus you wouldn't be able to find where to fucking feed yourself if you didn't run your mouth so often. Just because it has not happened every single fucking time a white person has EVER made a joke about black people doesn't mean that it doesn't happen quite often. That's like me pointing to a white dude being friends with a black dude and being like "SEE NO SUCH THING AS RACISM!".
> It’s Christmas Day mate, step away from the computer and stop stroking your victim complex.
You're right, it is christmas so give yourself the gift of litteracy with Hooked on Phonics you illiterate twat.
The fact that I disagree with the post without being upset at it or feeling like a victim is litterally the entire fucking point of my initial response to begin with. Learn to fucking read. That's not me roasting you or making a joke, that is you proving beyond a shadow of a doubt throughout this conversation that your reading comprehension is nothing short of shameful for an adult. Get your shit together dude.
Am I upset now? Yup and I'm not denying it, but it doesn't have anything to do with OP's post which in reality I just felt was an ill-informed joke and everything to do with you being about as pleasant to talk to as a festering anal wart.