“When an individual chooses to engage in casual sex, breaking bond after bond with each new sexual partner, the brain forms a new synaptic map of one-night–stands. This pattern becomes the “new normal” for the individual. When and if the individual later desires to find a more permanent partner, the brain mapping will have to be overcome, making a permanent bond more difficult to achieve.”
Y chromosome DNA is rarely detected in women who have abstained from intercourse for more than two weeks or who consistently use condoms.
1) if you use condoms, you are not getting DNA. That entire study is based around condom use and even it states you will find DNA in women two weeks after use with a condom.
2) The process used to detect DNA takes two months to carry out. I forget what the geneticist called the procedure.
3) Rarely detected doesn't mean not present.
Your reading comprehension is atrocious. Thanks for proving my point for me.
Most people tend to oversimplified sex is simly just "physical" but it's much more complicated that. When a person has multiple partners, the person have lost the ability to bond in the future, the person unable to maintain long lasting meaningful relationships and also divorce. This is because whenever you have a casual sex or ONS, you release the bonding hormone oxytocin (woman) and vasopressin (man) thus you become attached to the person you have ONS with.
The hormone works like a sticky tape,you stick it one in sticks forever. But if you peel the tape on and off overtime it lose the ability with stick. Same with sex, you bonded with one person on casual sex then you have sex with other people, you lost the ability to bond, because your hormone doesn't know who you bonded with.
There’s an excellent book on this subject by two doctors btw:
Hooked: The Brain Science on How Casual Sex Affects Human Development
I recommend you read this book
It explains how casual sex impedes our ability to pair bond.