>Res windows at UBC have a hopper opening, which is very difficult to fix a vent to
Not living on res rn but I have a similar window opening where I live rn. If you do manage to get a portable AC, this window seal has been a live saver for me, highly recommend.
Honestly, especially given this heat wave, it'd be incredibly petty for Housing to cause a problem over this. AC literally saves lives. Do what you need to do.
But why? Slickdeals.net shows mini-splits running as low as $500~ for precharged, and those are better for long term installs cooling than a portable a.c..
There are casement window adapters for portables, too, and these are easy enough to fabricate on your own.
I got an LG 11,000 BTU portable AC unit last year after the heat dome. It does a decent job keeping my bedroom cool (west facing so I get the afternoon sun).
I had to get a casement window kit (specifically this one) so that I could put the hose through the window and not have giant gaps where hot air can come in. The kit isn't ideal (to be honest, it sucks and the adhesive is a pain to get rid of), but I think it's better than not having the window kit.
Would something like this suit your needs?
Portable Air conditioner window kit
Sure thing! This is what we got, worked great. There are other styles as well
HOOMEE 400CM (157")Universal Window Seal for Portable Air Conditioner And Tumble Dryer – Works with Every Mobile Air-Conditioning, Easy to Install - Air Exchange Guards With Zip and Adhesive Fastener https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BPZGJ3B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_J3WNE3T874NPBT9BWSKM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
As far as I know the only thing that works to take care of the fumes from resin printing if you don't have an enclosed space with ventilation is buying one of these vents you can attach to a window (see link).
Just on the venting piece-you can get adapter kits to keep the window sealed while venting through the adapter. Usually it’s nylon or similar with some Velcro or tape to run around the edge of a window and a zipper or something to open a gap with a hole or something to pass the vent through.
Something like this - HOOMEE 400CM Universal Window... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07BPZGJ3B?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Do it!
I'd recommend getting a window seal kit to go along with it, otherwise warm air will enter the room from outside and reduce efficiency. I use this. It's easy enough to remove and re-fit as you need to, but can stay on the window during the summer months.
For several months of the year, I was using the AC even when it was colder outside than in (due to the sun streaming in) and the sealing kit isn't needed then.
Calfeutrage fenêtre pour la clim mobile, ça fait vraiment l'affaire et il n'y a pas de travaux à faire. J'ai survécu à plusieurs étés grâce à ça!
You can buy venting kits from Amazon that do the job pretty nicely. I have this one.
It attaches using velcro so once the weather gets cooler I can take it down (leaving the velcro in place) and store it until next summer. There's a zip that opens meaning that I can have the window open without running the AC if I want.
Someone else was asking the same question other day, I looked into a portable one recently. I'll paste the comment here.
> I did investigations into portable aircon last year when it was hot but couldn't get one, however I've still got the money set aside because my flat is like an oven in the summer. I looked into it again earlier today because it's been warm the last few days. I found the Midea units to be highly rated in my research last year, here's where you can get one. Obviously adjust based on how big your place is and how many rooms, my place isn't big and I only really want it for the living room. You'll also want something like this to seal the window otherwise it'll be useless.
I did investigations into portable aircon last year when it was hot but couldn't get one, however I've still got the money set aside because my flat is like an oven in the summer. I looked into it again earlier today because it's been warm the last few days. I found the Midea units to be highly rated in my research last year, here's where you can get one. Obviously adjust based on how big your place is and how many rooms, my place isn't big and I only really want it for the living room. You'll also want something like this to seal the window otherwise it'll be useless.
This one from Argos should sort you out. I have the slightly less powerful version that works great for my 3.3m x 3.3m home office room, you'd probably benefit from the 7K version. The 5K version (right on your budget) will definitely be better than nothing though!
Make sure you get a window seal kit for it, the one that comes in isn't suitable for windows that open outwards. Amazon have a ton of choices, I got this one. It's not a total disaster if you don't have a window seal, but the unit will be fighting against warm air coming from outside if you don't have one.
You can get this one on Amazon.ca - https://www.amazon.ca/HOOMEE-Universal-Window-Portable-Conditioner/dp/B07BPZGJ3B
We got this and it seems to work well: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07BPZGJ3B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but it is online.
Some friends had a more permanent installation made with these people: https://associatedplastics.com/
Have you looked into this?
Our window is much more awkward, and this works flawlessly.
Try: https://acs-installations.co.uk/air-conditioning-solutions/water-cooled-internal-condenser/ to get an idea of what I'm on about. Otherwise if you end up with a hose system, look into getting one of those - https://www.amazon.co.uk/HOOMEE-Universal-Window-Portable-Conditioner/dp/B07BPZGJ3B it would stop the cats escaping too!
You can buy window sealing kits that stop hot air coming back in too much. This is what I use with my portable AC.
I have this model which fits your budget. You'll need a window seal kit (I have this one) to make it work effectively.
It'll only really effectively cool a room around 10m^2, so if you were planning on cooling your whole flat you might need a beefier unit, or just consider closing doors and focussing on one room at a time.
It's quite noisy, but it's just for my office during the day and I'll take noise over oppressive heat any day.
Get one of these, it works with casement and awning type windows and is pretty unobtrusive.
I have got this one from Argos, and it's excellent. I bought it late last Spring and it's been a godsend in my home office which is south facing and warms up very easily on sunny days.
Depending on the size of room you're looking to cool you might need a beefier unit, but the 5K one is perfect for smaller rooms.
It comes with a seal for sliding windows so if you have a more normal window that opens outwards you'll need a third party one, I got this one and it does the job pretty well.