This things d-pad is great. It works with any game that doesn't require control sticks.
Edit: This is only useful for playing stages. The editor has functions bound to the control sticks.
how do u play 4 player on any system without 'breaking the bank' ? if anything the switch is the cheapest 4 player option yet in any system ever lol. unless you want to go ahead and buy 4 ps4 controllers or 4 xbox elite controllers.
well since you're really broke just buy 2 pokken controllers they cost $17 each and work fine for mario kart.
You can still find the controller in physical stores, and you can still pick it up new on Amazon, though the price has been jacked up in response to the rush to grab them when it was discovered that it was compatible with switch to begin with. Not sure what poster you're talking about though, so if that's not what you're looking for =/
Not great. But then again, neither is the iBuffalo. Personally can't tolerate either. They're both kinda "rolly" and squishy. Personally, this is my favorite 3rd/2nd party controller with no analog:
Try the official Pokken Controller (works on PC and Switch). I seriously believe it's the d-pad.
Ps: stay away from 8-bit do, I tried almost of their crap controllers. The Hori Fighting is also good, but I largely prefer the Pokken one.
Even though I suck at Tekken it taught me how to do motions on my controller. I can do dp motions pretty easily on my controller now... the easiest way I can explain it is after forward do a quarter circle. Don't actually try to do a "z" motion
I use this controller for my fighting games on pc. Ps4 controller dpad makes my hand hurt after extended use.
Allow me to offer another controller suggestion. The Hori Pokken Tournament Controller. If you don’t need analog, they’re as solid as they come. And at $18 each, they’re a steal.
Was it ever really turned off? And I mean im sure they have the mold just sitting there, and the tech is the same as it was.
Demand shemand.No reason its more expensive than this controller
If you are still looking for a good controller, than I recommend the Hori Pokken Pro Pad.
It has an ergonomic grip for comfort, and has a decent length cord unlike the iBuffalo SNES-style controller which you will need to buy a USB extension cord for. The Hori Pokken even has two extra buttons you might find useful.
Might want to check this out.
Really comfortable controller, and it has a decently long cord unlike the iBuffalo SNES gamepad, which you'll have to buy a USB extension cord for. I've also never experienced ghost inputs with it, which I have experienced with one of my iBuffalo SNES gamepads.
Just keep in mind you'll be unable to play numerous PSX games properly due to lack of analog sticks and triggers, as well as several Virtual Boy games that used both D-Pads on its controller and require a similar dual movement input method to play such as a PlayStation/DualShock-style controller. I should mention that PSX emulation isn't perfect though, and you would experience minor graphical glitches and slight slowdown, so you might not be interested in that, especially since any controller in the same price range as the iBuffalo SNES or Hori Pokken with dual analog sticks would suffer in quality in some aspect or another.
When I played the game on the Wii U, the official Pokken Controller was really great. I think THIS is the Switch Equivalent.
That being said, I do like the Joycons a lot, but I know I am in the minority for that, lol.
I would recommend buying the 25$ black Hori Pokken if you must have it asap. I own two of the black ones and I bought 10 of the yellow pokemon themed versions when they were on sale for 10$ a few months ago. Used them as part of retro pie gifts for my niblings (nephews and nieces). They are very solid controllers.
I use the Pokken Tournament DX controller for my pi and I'm happy about the choice.
What are people’s thoughts on this controller for Pokken?
It’s only $13 on Amazon right now.
I play mostly SNES and GBA games. I go with the Switch Pokken Tournament controller.
I have these:
Works well.
This is a lot more ergonomic and it has extra ZL+ZR buttons on the front that you can bind to meta functions.
If price is not too much of an obstacle and you want quality then I would recommend the Hori Pokken gamepads for 24$. They are extremely solid controllers AND you can bind the spare ZL and ZR buttons on the face that you don't need for those consoles to the meta functions. I bind it so holding them exits the game. This is nice because SOME NES/SNES games actually use select and or start for actual gameplay. Solar Jetman is an example.
If... however you think you might go forward and actually add Playstation 1, N64 and some Arcade games which benefit from dual analog sticks (Smash TV or Assault for instance) then I think you should spend a bit more and get their new Mini-PS4 controllers. These are my new gold standards. VERY LONG wired cable. Very solid. Fully compatible with actual PS4 (and obviously PS1)