If you're concerned for waste, I really enjoy clickheat I use these for hiking. You boil them and then they be reused again. They last around 30ish minutes once they are clicked.
Use a wheat pack heat pad, just heat in microwave.
You can also get resettable heat packs with a metal disc in them you click then boil them to reset. Here is a sample of the resettable ones.
Hotpaws can be good. Also not a bad idea for really cold snaps to have some of those hand warmers. You can get ones that are plastic and have a little disc in to "snap" and a chemical reaction starts. Then you boil them to reset that feature. https://www.amazon.ca/Hot-Go-Reusable-Heat-Packs/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=asc_df_B016OA5YK0/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=337125709197&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3770890117509741855&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev... for example.
I used to use these reuseable gel heat packs that warmed up by clicking a little metal button. Super portable, no outlet needed and they were discreet under clothing. Haven’t used this specific one before, but just for reference https://www.amazon.ca/Hot-Go-Reusable-Heat-Packs/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=mp_s_a_1_11?crid=3NOQYC0XY1X74&keywords=heat+pack+click&qid=1638867012&sprefix=heat+pack+click%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-11
Any special interests? I like useful items Or things that are interesting that people might not think to get for themselves. rfid sleeves, or those credit card size tools that can go in your wallet but do tons of things. Blood clot patch, car emergency kit, maybe a book of an interest the person has, Apple air tag, reusable handwarmer, fidget items like small magnets, Rubix cube, or something squishy like a stress ball. Mints, vitamins, cough drops because a person will eventually need them and be glad they have some. Gift cards, scratch tickets, fancy man soap
I never quite got where I was lifting with gloves on, and for barbell lifts I just can’t see it happening. What I would do last winter in my home gym (I’m on the other coast, but also somewhere that doesn’t get impressively cold, lol) is heat up a couple of microwaveable heating pads and bring them out with me, and I’d actually put one on the bar to warm it up and use one for my hands in between sets. Maybe since you won’t be by your home, some reusable hand warmers would work for you? Like these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_S7CXK98JE1ZXQ0Y387QW
They have reusable warmers you could use for both your iPad and your hands :) amazon
Reposted from above because y’all need a chemist in here.
It’s supersaturated sodium acetate.
It’s the liquid inside hot packs like this
It is an absolutely fucking terrible idea to stick your hand in this. A fast disturbance causes the sodium acetate to precipitate from the supersaturated solution (that’s the solid forming on his goddamn hand) releasing a ton of heat. Also, the acetate is a base. It’s technically a weak base but even a weak base in a highly concentrated form will cause chemical burns (ammonia is a weak base too).
So he’s burning his hand through alkalinity and heat at the same time. This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen someone do with chemicals.
It’s supersaturated sodium acetate.
It’s the liquid inside hot packs like this.
It is an absolutely fucking terrible idea to stick your hand in this. A fast disturbance causes the sodium acetate to precipitate from the supersaturated solution (that’s the solid forming on his goddamn hand) releasing a ton of heat. Also, the acetate is a base. It’s technically a weak base but even a weak base in a highly concentrated form will cause chemical burns (ammonia is a weak base too).
So he’s burning his hand through alkalinity and heat at the same time. This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen someone do with chemicals.
Just so I understand you correctly. You are planning to attach a 1 kg to 1.5 kg standart size hot water bottle to a human wrist?
Why not just use some of those Reusable Heating pads in a smaller contraption?
I like to use these reusable hot packs when I need some heat quickly. They hold heat pretty well. I haven't used them on a face, but I'd suspect that if they were wrapped in a microfiber washcloth, they'd feel pretty nice.
I get vasospasms, and unfortunately heat is the only thing I've found that helps. I've heard some people can use meds, but my BP runs borderline low, so they won't give them to me.
My mom found reusable heat packs that I put in my bra.
Just FYI, there are reusable ones that are much better for sustainability and work just as well :)
Hot to Go Reusable Heat Packs - Buy 4 Get 4 Free! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_o-p7FbD6ZFSQM
Sorry for the delay, I passed out last night! So I would use this stuff:
On my knees, shoulders, and ankles. I have no idea how the hell it works, but somehow it does. And the best part about it is that you can actually compete in it, unlike super clunky braces and stuff.
I can’t find the exact brace I used to use, but this one is super similar:
The way that it wraps around the side instead of the entire leg is SO helpful because you have so much more freedom to use your legs to steer.
Also, I know it can be frustrating, but try to ride with longer stirrups. It sucks if you’re used to doing stuff like Hunter or stadium jumping, but it is so much less pressure on your ankles, knees, and hips. Loosely wrapping you ankles with vet wrap will help stabilize them a bit and prevent minor subluxations.
If you haven’t already, definitely get a TENS unit. It looks/sounds absolutely barbaric lol, but it is a damn godsend. It’s a little thingy that you strap onto yourself wherever you’re in pain, and it’ll send electrical shocks into your body, and for some reason it actually does relieve pain.
These little dudes are great if you have issues with your fingers, they’re finger braces that still allow you to have almost-complete use of your fingers:
They’re annoying as hell but I was always able to hold the reins normally with them on, which is all that matters. They also sell cute silver ones that look like rings on Etsy!
I’m sure you’ve heard of these, but if you haven’t, allow me to introduce your new best friend: instant portable heating pads!:
(Sorry for the Amazon link, i hate Bezos but idk where else to find them haha.) These are little heating pod thingies that you just snap and they’ll heat up. They’re fucking amazing and I love them so much.
That’s most of the products I can think of right now, but if I remember anything else I’ll let you know!
While not trying to excuse that behavior, because thinking social conformity is more important than your physical comfort is wrong, what kind of jacket do you wear?
If your jacket it's bulky, brightly colored, or otherwise very noticeable you may do well to get a more subtle option. Blending into the heard can be a valuable stratedgy.
My wife is a huge fan of her heated vest as well. If you already deal with poor circulation with hEDS, this can help and is less intrusive than a normal jacket. It actually adds heat to you instead of relying on your body heat.
They also make heat packets you may find useful.. There are also disposable ones.
We use reusable hand warmers. I have been pleased with these:
Hot to Go Reusable Heat Packs - Buy 4 Get 4 Free! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_53NHEZXSVP4ATG5CDV5N?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I can appreciate the lifehack aspect of what you did. Seeing as you had to use one pack of Hot Hands per wrist (and knowing they can run $1-3 per pack), have you checked out reusable ones? I had reusable hand warmers similar to these that worked really well, lasted me two winters.
Also, have you checked out heated gloves at all? I mean, if you're (working) in an area that is going to stay cold for a few more months, it might be worth it?
>>I'm weird about how things fit my hands
I fully understand that. Personally, I can't wear any kind of bulky gloves - I need them to be slim and allow good dexterity so I can use my fingers. I know there's other cheaper options out there, but I thought these gloves looked kinda fitting. I would think you'd be able to keep them charging while driving the truck, put them on when you have to get out? Plus you still have touchscreen ability?
Just thoughts.
These put out great heat and you boil them to reuse them. I've had a set for about 10 years.
This is just from googling reusable hot packs but here you go 😊
> Still cold? Heat patches on the inside of your coat
I prefer the reusable ones. It's fun to activate them.
If you've got colder mornings (or cold weather period), these are amazing: https://smile.amazon.com/Hot-Go-Reusable-Heat-Packs/dp/B016OA5YK0/
Click the little metal thing inside, it instantly gets hot, stays hot for quite a while, and then when you get home, boil them in a pot, the stuff inside melts and it'll stay ready to use for the next cold morning.
The cool part of these things is you boil them in a pot, they re-liquify and can be kept in a locker until another cold day, so you're not just giving them handwarmers, you're giving them handwarmers forever.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Get some gel heat packs and put them under your wetsuit. Activate them throughout your dive. They are reusable and can go to depth with you.
Here is an example I just quickly found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hot-Go-Reusable-Heat-Packs/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=gel+heat+pack&qid=1582228657&sr=8-8
I love those!
These reusable heat packs are good for when you are not around a microwave or oven: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B016OA5YK0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_g8Y5CbSRW10ED
The science: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zNRk7z7UCGQ