For me Prescriptions: •Toradol (Ketorolac) - a strong anti inflammatory drug, given in injection or pill form.
•Medro (MethylPREDNISolone dose pack) - a steroid to help reduce inflammation.
•Indocin (Indomethacin) - anti inflammatory drug.
• Neurotin (Gabapentin) - a nerve pain drug
•Valium (diazepam) vaginal suppositories -works as a muscle relaxer directly into the pelvic floor to ease spasm. Can also be made with Baclofen and other drug compounded.
Over-the-Counter: •Doan’s (magnesium salicylate tetrahydrate) - a pain reliever that isn’t acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
•Hot Hand’s adhesive body warmer -cheaper and heat lasts longer than Thermacare Heatwraps
•Bengay cream - active ingredients are: Methol, Camphor and Methyl Salycilate.
In addition, Pelvic floor physical therapy, very gentle yoga, hot tubs and water walking. I also have a Rollator I use to help on bad days (I also have hip chronic hip pain). I hope this list is helpful. Hugs