Have you tried toe warmers? I use these on the tops of my feet outside my wool socks. HotHands Toe Warmers - Long Lasting Safe Natural Odorless Air Activated Warmers - Up to 8 Hours of Heat - 6 Pair https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DPKYI3W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_wFo9Fb6N859Y5
For people that lose battery in the cold, I feel you (I have an iPhone). What I've found to work incredibly well is a hand warmer on the back of your phone, specifically these -https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DPKYI3W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_.IVmzbQCB7267 - you stick them to the back of your case and they keep your hand warm too
I have a bunch of Hot Hands that I stick in my boots and pockets. For some silly reason I took a job as a crossing guard this winter and it's cold in Montana. Warm baths and a heated blanket help at night too.
I ride year round in Colorado. I definitely get less miles in winter, but can still get a monthly metric century and plenty of lunch short rides, which makes it easier to ramp back up in the spring.
With short daylight hours then winter becomes lunch rides during the week and 60+ hour rides occasionally on a weekend where conditions are decent. It's sunny enough in Colorado that there are often roads that are rideable a few days (or a week) after a big snow. It's kind of comical to spend 30 minutes getting dressed to ride on a Saturday, but for me it's worth it for the exercise and de-stressing of getting outside.
Things that help: