Hi! I don't know anything about cars, but I'm always cold! This is how I get through the winter:
For a coat, you'll want to get a down parka that at least covers your hips. Try on couple different lengths and see what you think is comfortable. My coat comes down to mid-thigh. You need to buy a coat with a hood.
For your hands, mittens are actually better than gloves if you have cold hands. Gloves separate your fingers, while mittens keep them together (sharing the warmth). I basically have 10 pairs of wristies, and wear them under mittens. When I need dexterity, I just take my mittens off and just wear the wristies. I would rather wear the wristies than wear gloves, if I was given the option. As far as mittens, I have several pairs. I have cute mittens that aren't that warm, but are good for going to work and back. And heavy-duty insulated dad-like mittens like these. You can also order a couple of these disposable hand warmers. A 30-pack will last you multiple winters. I put them in my wristies.
For your head, always have a hat or headband on when it's cold. My face gets *so cold*, so sometimes I wear a neck warmer. Skida makes neck warmers (and hats and headbands!) with super cute patterns, so you won't look like a serial killer.
For your feet, I wear darn tough socks, because merino wool is incredible. I wear them on hiking trips in the summer, and in the winter, they keep my feet really warm without being bulky (so I can still wear cute boots!). You can get them at places like REI, or online. Boots are super personal. I actually don't own a great pair of snow boots right now, because we don't typically get that much snow. I have hiking boots sort of like this that I wear when it's really snowy. But there are a ton of great options available. Honestly, I'd go somewhere like REI and try on a bunch to find what's comfortable. But you can probably make it through the winter without something super specialized.
Good luck!
Maybe you could get something like HotHands?
I haven't used them, so can't endorse them myself.
Not quite.
It’s a hand warmer. The instant kind that you open up and stays hot for like 4 hours.