OP's coworker was out of line and also wrong, academically.
Many academic feminists see that some horror movies are misogynistic but that others are important works of art and that some trauma survivors benefit from engaging with fear/trauma in a safe environment (horror movies).
Here's a great read on how horror can offer catharsis for women: https://www.amazon.com/House-Psychotic-Women-Autobiographical-Exploitation/dp/1903254698/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=32SQDUP26UK9C&keywords=house+of+psychotic+women&qid=1652203088&sprefix=house+of+psychotic+women%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-1
House of Psychotic Women is a good autobiographical book about a woman's relationship to horror films. But I wouldn't say it's about the "industry".