I haven't read the book yet. It's on my Amazon wishlist, but so is a response book that some other scholars wrote called, How God Became Jesus. I'm hoping both are worth reading.
>you want another example roughly contemporaneous, from the same culture? josephus's works are preserved in greek (though he evidently wrote a version in aramaic too). who does josephus think the messiah is?
So you think Josephus views changed just because he wrote in a different language? Then please cite what he wrote in one language and then in another and show the differences.
>yes, the people who do that come to a very different conclusions. see for instance "how jesus became god" by ehrman.
Perhaps you should read How God Became Jesus: The Real Origins of Belief in Jesus' Divine Nature or How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God?: Historical Questions about Earliest Devotion to Jesus
>he represents, more or less, the scholarly opinion on the matter
Erhman most assuredly does not represent the scholarly opinion on the matter.
>right, that's a trinitarian heresy. you're no longer describing the trinity.
Actually, I am describing the Trinity.