I think some definitions of vegan simply require you to eliminate animal product use as much as "possible and practicable."
Sounds like you are eliminating those foods from your diet as much as "possible and practicable" for your situation to me.
Make sure whatever foods you eat instead of meat have the same nutrients though so you don't end up with a nutrient deficiency. You can't help the animals much if your own health is declining.
nutritionfacts.org is a website with a lot of nutrition info. This is another good place to start reading.
tl;dr (from own experience)
Step 1: whole-food plant-based diet
Step 2: How Not To Diet by Dr Michael Greger
> I'm supposed to get a thyroid check for hyperthyroidism as well.
Blood check can never be wrong.
> Do not fall for calorie restrictive diets.
Well, you do not need to restrict calories, if you don't fall for the calorie dense foods in the first place (oils, processed food, fizzy drink, ...).
Thus, I recommend a whole-food plant-based diet. and the accompanying book How Not To Diet.
And yes, intermittent fasting is recommended. But when you think to break your fast at KFC, think twice.