Get this book "How to be a 3% Man" read/listen to it several ( 9+ ) times. Each time a different part may hit you. Also look up on YouTube "Corey Wayne" as he has TONs of videos, a lot will be tge book telyou to look them up. He talks exactly about what you are asking in many areas. BTW, when she said "I need time." You failed by texting and sending her presents, she said she wanted space to see if you would allow her vs either being controlling or insecure. You should have simply said "I'll give you your space, text me when you are ready to talk and go out again." Then that's it, you don't check in on her, don't say "miss you" or "hey you free this weekend?" You have to walk away. You might even start looking for another match with a different woman.You haveto have tge mindset "Her loss, not mine." If she is interested in you she will get back to you, if not you won't have wasted time on someone that is not in to you. It's a hard mentality, yet in dating you need it ir you'll only find breadcrumbs, not tge cake you are looking for. this book changed my life and if you read this book thoroughly and embrace what it teaches it’ll change yours too. In the book it teaches you how to get over an ex which is one of the things you are having issues with. You can do this my friend:) I believe in you
Although I don't agree with everything here, I highly recommend you immediately dive deep into r/CoreyWayne and How to be a 3% Man
What you're going through is some pretty textbook stuff right here man. Best of luck to you.
Read this book and follow the rules . It’s great advice for a guy who is losing his gf and wants to reattract her. Who knows you might even find someone better by following these rules
But stayed blessed and please for the love of Jesus don’t get yourself bogged down in trying to figure out what’s in your mind. If she is pulling away it’s most like the obvious reason . She is having second thoughts about the relationship or another guy or whatever . Most important , value and love yourself . If she wants to be a b and leave you for another guy fine . Work on yourself , become the best version of you and find happiness within .
Be blessed
Do not start vomiting your mental health over this girl or any other.
Don't just "hide" your mental health problems - do something about it! That's your purpose as a man, to handle business. Start with Sleep - Diet - Exercise. What improvements could you make in those areas?
Whether she comes back or not, read this book:
Women problems are not the root of your issues, but relationships are a good place to start and trace back.
Good luck.
Was planning on responding directly but it seem appropriate here as omegacoo is pretty on point. Plus, my response below are in the same order as your questions above.
Nothing wrong with doing what you love. Keep doing programming if you love it, but don't forget the most important thing "partake/participate in other activities!"
Time/pace yourself. Don't spend more than 6-8 hours in a row programming. It won't help your project if you spend too long on it. As a programmer, I have many Eureka moments stepping away from the project, like while taking a shower.
Try to fit in more and more social activities daily. You're young, there are plenty of people and social activities you can do. I'm a nerd and I used to hangout at my college school library. Make friends, bullshitting and make good grades with group studying of old tests. I used my talent in computer as a skill to help other while they help me with other things. And ultimately, make friends. I know COVID probably killed this and any other social activities. But keep looking. Don't wait for opportunity to come, make them!
As programmer, we have the best job BRO! At the beginning of this year, before COVID, I met another young Programmer in Thailand. He was living there and taking contract job to pay for his travel. Now that's Living!
I recently came back from Vegas. Due to COVID, I work the entire week in Vegas. I joined my friend who has been there since Labor Day. He's also a programmer and called me up. Did I say no or simply join him? I won some money and ended up became a free 1 week trip as I have to come back for an appointment. And he is still there.
You're mistaken passion and logic. It's your passion/addiction for programming that help you to focus and spend so much time doing so. Trust me, I know. I spend a lot of time programming and here's my github profile with contribution histories to prove - Would it be logical to say that you have to work at what you want?
Logic means you want to take everything pragmatically. As a programmer, you know the power of building thing from bottom up. You have to look at life logically/the same way. What are you weak at? What do you need to work on?
Be consistent. Work on it daily. Are you weak at picking up girl? Read this book or other any other books you can find. Make opportunity to practice what you learn in them every day.
It's like learning a new language. Practice, Practice, Practice! Practice it every day. You will eventually be better at it. Don't shy away from social activities. Again, if opportunity don't come to you, Make Them! Spend time volunteer somewhere. Help people with computer problems and maybe they'll introduce you to their friend/kids.