Something that might be good is to get a copy of "How to be a Victorian" which is an excellent and fun to read overview of Victorian life. Its $3.00 on Kindle and I highly recommend it to get some ideas for some verisimilitude in BitD.
Your daughter might enjoy this book too: How to be a Victorian, by Ruth Goodman.
Available at Waterloo Public Library. (I just returned it LOL)
Baker Street aims for this. Not sure how well, though.
Also, you should play Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective.
Finally, for resources on the era there is plenty of books like How to Be a Victorian: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Victorian Life and The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in Regency and Victorian England from 1811-1901 that should work great for you.
If a woman wasn't in the privacy of her bedroom she was expected to have her hair up and to be appropriately attired for the time of day. I'd suggest reading this book if you'd like more information