To underline my point, gathering around as scientistic, obtuse New Atheists to elitistly sneer caustic propaganda at what a bunch of dumb-dumbs they think that mostly unfortunate religious people are will never reach beyond a tiny audience. The New Atheist movement has already peaked and fractured. Human beings are not rationalist creatures whose minds seek The Truth^(TM) and are only obstructed by "God viruses". The deep irony is he the New Atheist view of the mind is an unscientific, un-Darwinian view -with the exception of Daniel Dennett, who is not guilty of the obtuse, naïve rationalist view of the mind that typical New Atheists propagate. What we really are is functional creatures whose consciousnesses are a product of evolution, and whose minds seek functional narratives. If we want the majority of people to have a rational view of the world, we need to build a society which has the function of making he majority of people's lives' seem predictable, orderly, and fair in order to functionally imitate a rational life experience. Libertarian-capitalist atheists are either delusional, or will have to satisfy themselves with being a tiny elitist cult.