I used to struggle so hard with binge eating, but I'm happy to say there's a way out! I read this book so long ago, but I remember liking it. See if it helps you https://www.amazon.com/Have-Your-Cake-Skinny-Jeans-ebook/dp/B00B9JKNBC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1485143030&sr=8-1&keywords=josie+eating
I was reading about this topic because I also struggle and someone suggested this book. I haven't gotten too far into it, but I like it so far and the reviews speak for themselves. Could be worth reading for you.
In response to your calorie concerns: there's a book I read recently that has helped me, and many others over at /r/xxfitness, stop obsessing over calories and instead listen to our bodies. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00B9JKNBC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_d_detailpage_o00_
I feel like a shift in the way of thinking can do wonders for most people. Currently we just think in ways of "I can't eat that" which makes us just want it more. This book teaches you that you can have anything, as long as you are mindful about everything you eat.
Dear u/chosen_at_random I mostly lurk but your message brought back me some painful memories. Because I used to be where you were. Here are some resources I used to get back on normal food. I hop eyou find them as helpful as I did. :)
You can definitely escape the dieting triangle of despair!!!