I remember being in 2nd grade in 1988, when Rush Limbaugh was taking over radio. That's when I first learned from my 8 year old best friend that liberals were idiots who were ruining the world.
That's why we're condescending now. They've been fanatics for decades. Condescension is nothing compared to the venom and bile they've been spewing as a lifestyle. It's apples to atoms.
>I really just wanted to hear you say the quiet part out loud.
>But alright man. Share your citations about republicans committing crime or being “evil”
This has been part and parcel of republican electoral strategy for decades
The war on drugs was a cover to go after political opposition
Their response to the AIDS crisis was sick
Amongst other cynical exploitation of a national tragedy, they lied about a fucking war
That they had been planning for years
They normalized torture. For no good reason
A Vice Presidential candidate accused the opposition of 'Palling around with terrorists'
Blatant hypocritical partisanship in rigging the supreme court
All the turnover in the trump administration and Stephen Miller remained employed for 4 years.
January 6th. Bunch of whiny bitches throwing a violent temper tantrum, then lying about it, minimizing it, and attempting to cover it up.
All of the fucking covid misinformation comes from the right. How are you going to whine about how divided we are when republicans turned a fucking virus into a partisan issue?
> Well, that's maybe because you redefined these words.
I didnt. But there are people who did.
> Seems to imply something bad about the ideology itself when its adherents are ignorant.
>Did you make an obnoxious title like that just to get people to click on your post?
Just so you know I am not an asshole, you are right. My title and body of the post are quite different. That was not intentional, and I will try harder in the future to be crystal clear.
> There's no debate topic in your post.
That is fair, the debate I actually wanted wasn't an attack on Communism at all, I was trying to make a point about people that do not understand what they are arguing. There is a difference between researching something so you understand it, and learning to simply argue points.
Let me give you a couple examples. On my side, about 10 years ago Ann Coulter came out with a book called "
Now, back then, a lot of liberals HATED her, and they hated this book. Now that I am an adult, I realize those arguments from liberals were CORRECT. Coulters book did not inform me about her philosophy, or ideas, or things to make the world better, it was "Liberals are stupid, this is how you shut them up". And this is what I see when i go on these communist subreddits.....Here is an example of what I am talking about:
Seriously read this guy! He is not asking about the failures of the communist system under the USSR and the millions who died and how can we improve the system.....It is "Who gives a shit that 60 million died under Stalin, tell me how to convince MYSELF Russia is awesomeballs"!!!!