You've got a lot of tear out causing all that fuzziness. Pine isn't a great material to work with - I did the same thing for my first cut. I've had good luck with compression bits to help minimize tear out when working with plywood (these..
I do most of my machining with 1/8" bits. First thing i would recommend would be to not buy your bits from Carbide 3d. Get some endmills from Amazon. You can get a 5-pack of compression bits for $20, and at that price point, they are disposable. I make a lot of signs out of 1/4" baltic birch. I cut the entire depth in 1 pass. Using compression bits, i have very little cleanup.
Also, the feeds and speeds in Carbide Create are off. Its very possible you could be burning your bits by spinning too fast and moving too slow. For 1/4" baltic birch plywood, i generally have my router set on 3.5-4 on the speed dial, and change the feeds and speed on the toolpath to cut the full depth of the cut (~.230) and have the feedrate set at 50ipm and the plunge set at 40, and i have no problems burning bits, and my projects get done a lot faster than their recommended speeds. Try a small project with those settings and you can raise or lower the feedrate in Carbide Motion if you notice any chatter or you feel like the router is struggling. I find birch plywood cuts real easy with these bits, and cutting the full depth, i generally only have to do some quick touchup sanding on the back side of the project:
I'll have to pick up a set, I'm a week^tm from finally having my lowrider cnc set up and I have yet to buy endmills.
The bottom of the bit is an upcut, the top of the bit is a down cut. It really reduces tearout on full depth of cut cuts.
i buy mine from amazon.
They're super cheap but work great.